Pre-school graduations---a feather in the cap of the Liles family as Andrew's accomplishment marks the end of 11 years at GEM Express---all 5 of Buddy & Day's boys were enrolled there during that time!
For Andrew, it was a tassel to swirl and swat at while saying "cheese" for the iPhone cameras.
Locate the swinging tassel in middle of back row in front of a face and you'll find Andrew.
For you will go out with joy And be led forth with peace; (Isaiah 55:12) there was lots of joy as they "marched", tumbled, & jumped off the stage to stand with their parents for photographs.
Go forth, Andrew (and classmates) "In the path of righteousness"---
----for as the Proverbs 12 chapter I pray for Andrew says, "In the path of righteousness is life," (verse 28)
Go forth, Andrew (and classmates) "In the path of righteousness"---
----for as the Proverbs 12 chapter I pray for Andrew says, "In the path of righteousness is life," (verse 28)