Wednesday, December 4, 2024


A muddled mind can be a side-effect of a stroke. An occipital lobe stroke can increase the muddlng. Factor in amyloid build get the "up, up, up idea. Weariness looms. To muster my energy, hubby tries to encourage movement.
Yesterday, he said we could find the "Road to Nowhere" for a 20 minute walk.
We found the sign............
...but that's all we found!
There was a locked gate across the road. No parking area was anywhere close. It seemed, as the sign said, a broken promise f sorts for my walk.
As Son, J said, "It seems the road took you nowhere." I did not laugh. 
Maybe my mind was too muddled/concerned about backing down the narrow hill.
I'm sure there are more life lessons in these events "somewhere"----Yesterday, my mental condition was too confused a state to figure them out.
But today, Jesus, the One who is "the way," can refer to pathways of life or the journey we are on as we choose to trust Him, as we "walk" even when our mind is mixed-up!