Monday, November 13, 2017


Recent sermons from ABC and FEC have emphasized the importance of loving God and loving our neighbors. (Mark 12:30-31)
Neighbors in the pew next to you. Neighbors across the street. Neighbors across the ocean. 

Getting to know others builds community.  Trust is built. Diversity is celebrated. Relationships are solidified in both the good times and the bad. (Ecclesiastes 3:1-2)
Support is given whether in a hospice room or at a baby shower ---at least that's the way my weekend was spent.

Celebrations can be shared even when one is past childbearing age, whether it's parents of their "first" new born down the street ....

.....or the big reveal across town at the gym----a girl is on the way to join 3 brothers.
Wherever you are, get to know the ones God puts in your path and celebrate where they are in life and also be there to mourn with them when life ends.