Saturday, January 7, 2017


On December 30, I received this shocking email---
Hello Dotsy,
            Aggie went to be with Jesus last Thursday (12/29/16) after a brief but very difficult struggle with an until now undetected blood disorder. I know you were a real encouragement to her, so I need to pass this information on to you.

            A celebration of her life will be held Saturday January 7th.

Sincerely, Greg Tharp

Some times are easier than other times in which to choose gratitude. 
Today is the memorial service for, Agnes "Aggie" Tharp, one lady very dear to my heart, though I have never met her face to face. Yet I am so-o-o grateful to have "known" Aggie, albeit via cyberspace. 
So I choose gratitude for the Lord's allowing our paths to cross.
I sent him an email I had received from Aggie 5 years ago hoping it might offer him comfort:
The night I learned that (friend) had gone on to eternity, I couldn't go to sleep.  I began thinking of the people we knew in common up in heaven, and then Ken meeting Bible characters, and THEN meeting JESUS!!!  I got such a spirit of celebration and joy that I couldn't be sad about Ken's death.  And in a way that experience changed my attitude toward death.  For the child of God it is not sad!  True, for those left behind, the separation hurts.  What a joy to know that it is temporary! Love & prayers, Aggie

Gratitude tinged with sadness---for me and all who knew and loved her, I'm sure!

Aggie has been a "Dotsy Details" blog reader since November 2009 as far as my "Comments" show.

S. D. Gordon wrote: The greatest thing anyone can do for God and man is pray. It is not the only thing, but it is the chief thing. The great people of earth are the people who pray. I do not mean those who talk about prayer; nor those who say they believe in prayer; nor yet those who can explain about prayer; but I mean those people who take time to pray. Thank you, Dotsy, for reminding us of the privilege and importance of prayer! Love and prayers, from Agnes in France

Encouraging me from the very start as Agnes, sometime in 2012 Agnes became "Aggie."
Regardless of her signature, blog comments and email messages were always ENCOURAGING! I knew they were sent with love and prayers. Aggie was one of "my" best  prayer warriors, without me even requesting prayers from her. She didn't just say she prayed, she sent the very scriptures to back it up. What a privilege to be on the receiving end of her prayers---which she prayed "all over me."

As I took time in the Word this morning, Psalm 92 (one of today's Scripture readings in the liturgical calendar) is obviously for you, and I am praying it all over you now, and for the upcoming trip. YES, TRUST is the word.  Psalm 37:5, Commit - trust - and God will do the rest.  

Aggie and I both shared an affinity for the Psalms and often "camped out there so I particularly loved this email from her. 
God spoke Psalm 34:8 to my heart, "The angel of the Lord camps around those who fear Him..."  Wow, I thought, he doesn't just fly or flutter over, he CAMPS.

1/12/10 Interesting how the Father seems to be saying the same things to his children, even though separated geographically by great distances..... GOD REIGNS! Not, He said that He would, nor, some day He will, but here, now; in this present situation, in whatever storm I may be going through, GOD REIGNS! When Jesus was sleeping in the boat, He was in perfect control, even though the disciples were beside themselves with fear! Peace, be still. We can be still, and know that God is God and that He reigns!

Often she would end a message with, "Are you okay, Dotsy?"
How intuitive she was! What a faithful prayer warrior! 

I saw Aggie's life well-lived through her words. 
"Don't answer questions that people aren't asking you, but live in such a way that people will ask you questions (about your faith in, walk with, God)." (though I can't remember who said it---Aggie) Through our correspondence, I imagine many saw Jesus in her life and were asking her about her faith!

Yesterday I ended my email reply to her husband Greg assuring him that I was using Aggie's pictures in my visual prayer journal....
" to continue to pray for Stephanie and Etienne and their children, each Saturday---it is my "bouquet of thanks" to place at her service."
Prayerfully, (& gratefully) Dotsy