Their strength is to sit still. (Isaiah 30:7, KJV)
A cuppa "passivi-TEA." Sounds negative, doesn't it? Not necessarily.
"Inner stillness is an absolute necessity to truly knowing God," as was noted in yesterday's Streams in the Desert entry. (4/7) I understand those times when one's "entire being seems to throb with anxiety." Often, like the writer of Streams recounts, I, too, have to be aware of my helplessness in the midst of a crisis before I sit and listen for direction from that "still small voice." (1 Kings 19:12) For there in lies strength. His strength that comes as one is still before HIm. It's not just squelching or compressing the anxiety of the present overwhelming circumstance. A temporary quieting of tension might occur....but, that just represses it for eruption at a later time. An eruption that can "hurt" innocent by-standers. Believe me, I have experienced that more often than I want to admit.
Therefore, passivity has a positive result. It's not laziness or apathy but a "living stillness born of trust." (Streams, 4/7) It might not involve the action of prayer or praise. Just being still before the throne of grace. Quieting one's spirit with an open heart. "Utter quietude of soul."
'O rest in utter quietude of soul,
Abandon words, leave prayer and praise awhile;
Let your whole being, hushed in His control,
Learn the full meaning of His voice and smile.'
(Mary Rowles Jarvis, Streams in the Desert, 4/7)
A cuppa passivi-TEA is necessary before arising and going forth in one's day, thus assuring that the activi-TEA, that follows is God directed.
A cuppa passivi-TEA leaves the "dregs of anxie-TEA at the bottom of the cup.