Wednesday, February 28, 2024


Did that punctuation term get your attention!?
Thanks to fellow librarian ljj, for introducing me on "Teaching Tuesday"  to this fused question mark and exclamation point. Think simultaneous question, somewhat rhetorical, & exclamation. Interrogative with a bang................
Fusing the emoji !? makes perfect since to mind often fuses words on its own.
Interrobang is a noun for this non-standard punctuation mark, indicating a question expressed in an exclamatory manner! Mother had a way of using them often when she was aghast at my behavior.
What on earth do you think you are doing, playing with my make-up .........

According to my research, the mark has only been in use since 1961.
God's word reminds us to let our words be few. (Ecclesiastes 5:2) He that restrains lips is wise. (Proverbs 10:19b)
Perhaps the interrobang allows us to say much with fewer words.
What do  you think......