Last week I unexpectedly entered an unknown antigen area as I donned my mask and visited a loved one.
Three days later she tested positive for COVID! I was advised of my exposure to her and followed CDC protocol. She and I had both been vaccinated. She ended up in the hospital and remains there. I had my first test 3 days later and today I had my 5th day test.
Between the two tests I had enough time in quarantine to do a little heart/soul searching.
If I have spiritual infection residing in my own heart, others might never see it. In some instances even I might be unaware. A pure heart is created by God. What's more, He must continually recreate it.
The solution? Ask God to search you & show you where you are infected with sin---maybe sin unbeknownst to you. (Psalm 139:23-24)
Today my COVID test was negative!! Hallelujah!
Create in me a clean heart, O Lord and renew a right spirit within me. (Psalm 51:10) Hallelujah, also that the Lord can keep "cleaning me up" until I walk through heaven's gates and all infections will be gone. HALLELUJAH.........forever!