Okay, I know it’s Sunday. But…..I was too tired to post when
I got home last night from a glorious “get-a-way” with girlfriends….but God has
had me querying myself thru the week,
and a BIG question came forth for consideration.
Am I hammering homiletics?
Answer: Yes, sad to say, too often I do.
In other words, am I always just “preaching” at friends and
family or am I living the “gospel life”? As all folks know, actions indeed speak louder than
words. If I am just viewing others thru legalistic lens, the lifestyle I
reflect would be more of hammering and very little of grace. “Hammering” might
easily be construed as disdain rather than love.
If God views me thru the love lens of grace, shouldn’t I
extend that to others as well?
Answer: Yes. A resounding YES! I need to testify in actions as well as words to the “good
news of God’s grace.” (Acts: 20:24)