Monday, April 18, 2011


4/18/11 Have you ever been “caught” in the mundane? Traveling the same route to work? Going through the same routine in your workplace day after day, rarely even looking up as people pass in the hall? Life is passing by but some of us seem too self-absorbed or distracted to notice. Years ago in an “Aesthetic Education” grad class I “failed” a pop quiz. Questions missed; color of flowers at the front door, mascot on the school’s sign, location of the school’s mailbox and number of stop signs on the street leading up to the school. As I recall, the entire class ”flunked” our life awareness quiz. I think I need to re-enroll in life awareness---a remediation class for folks to whom life has become an obligation “to get through” not a “dance” to experience and savor.
This morning I chose to “look up” and try to see the “beauty” of life around me, whether in creation or in the faces and hearts of people who cross my path. Many people might do this naturally----lately, I have not. I tried to “see” on the way to work---granted it’s still dark when I arrive at work but I did “notice” some good things. A park crossing sign---new to me but maybe it’s been there and I just never noticed. It jogged my “thankfulness meter”----thankful that near home and work, I have access to some great open spaces. The dimly lit walkway had some blooming “knockout roses” and though I didn’t stop to smell them, I did appreciate the student hands that planted them. The eye-opening “biggie” was 4 planters filled with smiling purple and yellow pansies right by the front entrance. Wonder how long they have been there?
And God saw everything that He had made, and indeed, it was very good. Genesis 1:31

This verse seems worthy of consideration today as I begin to see the visual feast that God in His goodness has created for me to savor. There is no monotony in creation.