Saturday, February 28, 2015

A New Dance

Steps are still being worked out for my new "spiritual" dance. It's difficult because steps "seem" hard---probably because of my negative attitude.
I learned in Psychology 101 that that "feelings follow actions." So....I needed to take action---to let go of my negativity or Dotsy Downer dronings, as daughter Molly dubs them.

Choosing to focus on "Pleasing God" has helped and the pleasure was increased as "Hubby" provided the new journal for recording these thoughts. A daily reminder to "dance in the rain."
Rain---those hard places of "what if "fear, slick with regrets or drowning in "lack of." We all lack something.

Those challenging places. Storms that need a right response. A new dance step.
Tripping lightly. Not tripping as to fall headlong. (Psalm 37:24)
In my GAC zumba classes, I have discovered that It is so much easier to "follow" the dance when the leader/instructor is talking me through the steps while modeling them as well.  

Physically, I follow the instructions of my teacher---his verbal clues tell me exactly what to do and my feet seems to "finally" respond to the dance floor below them---- especially when my shoes are covered by my peds---those little nylon stockinettes that just barely cover the foot of my shoe and keep my tennis shoes from grabbing.
Spiritually, I need to move through life on the dance floor that is given---maybe I can "glide" along trusting the best dance partner to guide me once again, regardless of the bumps or splinters on the floor. A dance revival.....with Him in the lead.

To move and celebrate life. To let my spirit start to soar once again. To dance as I've never danced before.