Wednesday, August 16, 2023


In our culture there are days for everything, even food! 
January 12-Hot Tea Day. January 26-Peanut Brittle Day.
April 5-Caramel Day. 
June 10-Iced Tea Day. July 1-Pecan Pie Day.
October 28-Chocolate Day. 
Yesterday was National Lemon Meringue Pie Day.
You get the idea---or at least an idea of those I celebrate "in the flesh."

What about more significant days for believers???
Scotty asked, "When is "Grace-Forged Friendships Day?" 

It makes everyday "gospel-icious." (Cole Huffman) especially as we desire to age gracefully. 
"A gospel-posse." (Scotty)  Dynamic Duo. Terrific Trio. A Quad Squad.
Christians on the same side of the struggle. (Ellen)

Believers who have been there, i.e. experienced that, can offer deep understanding, like-minded prayers and comfort so one does not lose heart. (2 Corinthians 4:16) 
A Fellowship of Believers' Day......
.....grace-forged with hope-filled prayers.(Romans 15:13)