Wednesday, August 17, 2016


Anxiety can be a real "panic prayer" inducer,
Earlier blog entries show that I have been sipping from this cuppa of anxiety far too often through the years.
11/22/10 and 6/16/13. Yet, I omitted a cuppa anxie-TEA in 2014 when I wrote 366 "tea" entries. Maybe it's because that year was a "call" to blog daily and I had to trust the One who called me! He was my "focus" and the blog entries were an overflow of that relationship. Even if anxiety was mentioned in an entry, the cuppa chosen for "focus" was NOT anxie-TEA!
So why am I seemingly back to square one---my humanity, filled too often with worry and fear.
Sadly, once again, I am one of those "fretful folks" Pastor Cole alluded to a few weeks ago, as he described living in a catastrophe culture. Daily we "panicky people" tend to live in a state of emergency. Even our news describes emergency alerts as though each viewer can do something about each event. As if there was an element of control for which we are responsible.
Globally, I am disturbed but realize my limitations. On the other hand, personally, anxious thoughts can still consume me---holding me captive, over people and health and events which I cannot control.
So what's one to do with these consuming fears and apprehensions?
PRAY---Don't panic!!
Shrink that cuppa! Lay it all at His feet.
Claim victory. (Romans 8:37)