Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Brokenness addendum

2/29/12 Have you ever questioned whether you did all that God asked of you. I posted yesterday's "Brokenness" blog entry, but God...thought I omitted something important. His word. The main part of the passage that I was dealing with needed to be more clearly spelled out. Citations alone do not do that. I had even queried my self several times about just putting the jar of clay citation and not the verse itself. God answered that query. 
Tonight at Heart to Heart Bible study, the tech man was closing up and right there in front of me was God's answer to my query. Just citation or include the main verse?
I even had my camera. So, with "tech's" permission I documented God's answer. God wanted each blog reader to have the verse at hand. I think He assumed it was a verse too important to miss---or to be left in each reader's hands to look up for themselves. 
So here it is! His power to answer prayers specifically.You can thank God for His addendum. I did. 


2/29/12    FORGIVENESS---it's all about grace.
Hearing from 3 blog readers who would underline forgiveness in this week's, Colossians 3:12-14, meditation passage, I decided to post a link to my "teaching" on that topic. I confess that I did not want to teach that topic---but God......and you know how that goes. How grateful I am that the Lord had me deal with this issue a few months before my cancer diagnosis. I can only imagine how difficult that journey and healing would have been without having been finally purged (over 20 years of trying) from the bitterness and resentment of my "wounded" spirit. 

Alliterative outline is included to help remember 1. Repent. 2. Release. 3. Refocus. Yet it goes beyond that---dealing with "deep hurts" and smoldering resentment. Listen if you have need. It will be my voice and my heart that you hear.