Author: Angela Thomas
A springboard for "Dancing with the Lord" discussions.
There is….a time to dance….Ecclesiastes 3:1,4
When the stresses of life have you not knowing which way to turn....turn to the Lord and ask Him to lead you through this "new to you" life dance.
Lesson #1 w/ insights from the foreword and the afterword
When the stresses of life have you not knowing which way to turn....turn to the Lord and ask Him to lead you through this "new to you" life dance.
Lesson #1 w/ insights from the foreword and the afterword
Dance Lesson --D
D ecide
(Joshua 24:14) Delve (Psalm 119:169) & Discover (Psalm
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- Step #1---Decide you want a life of abunDANCE. Turn to the Lord as your dance partner.
- Step #2---Delve---dig to discover the truth that is available about your struggle or hard place. Determine that the Lord has you there for a reason or season, as Robert Morgan teaches in his diminutive book, Red Sea Rules. Rule #2 states, " Be more concerned for God's glory than for your relief."
- Step #3---Discover what God' Word says about your hard place----fear, (Isaiah 41:13) disease/poor health, (Psalm 73:26) disappointment, hurts, or rejection (Psalm 55:12-13) Consider word searching for abide, trust, sustain, belief, hope, refuge, protection, salvation, .
Remember godly living, aka "life of abundDANCE," is possible even during_________________(fill in your own difficult time or struggle) as your "dance" will be unique.
Allow the Lord to turn your mourning into gladness in the midst of your struggle----that you might "dance" with HIm. (Psalm 30:11)