Wednesday, May 30, 2018


WOW---Words of Wisdom---Written on Wednesday.
Words that speak to me from the marginalia of my Bible.
  • Desire a life measured more by kindness than competency. (source unknown)
  • A sick bed can often teach more that a sermon. (T. Watson) 
  • Jesus needs to photo bomb "selfies." (C. Huffman)
  • What one pays for and prays for reveals much about their character. (4/7/18) 
  • (_____'s) life demonstrates that forgiveness frees us from the burden of living in a prison of our own making. (Carol Kent)
  • Sin is a righteousness problem---unrighteousness or self-righteousness. ( C. Huffman)
  • God did not come to get man into heaven but to get God back into man! (? via Rad Andrews)
Words that continue to WOW me this Wednesday. Why not start a list of your own!

Wednesday, May 23, 2018


Word Nerds.
Word nerds have a fascination with word usage. Many take their word nerd obsession to daily challenges with New York Times Crossword Puzzles. or on-line word games. 
Word nerds---that's what people often call wordsmiths. My hubby included. 
Prepping to lead a book discussion for an upcoming Summer Refreshment, My One Word, as well as teaching 2 lessons based on word play of "Sweet Teas of Scripture," I've been all ears for "words" to fit my needs.
Today I came across a new word, that had both positive and negative connotations for me. Sounds like life circumstances doesn't it? 

I discovered the origin for the word was Greek (peripeteia) which wasn't much help. Likewise, the synonyms in no way helped me but the "audio" pronunciation was very helpful as this word has never been in my vocabulary, literary or not.

My first notes for this entry brought to mind the way surprises in one's life can bring about complete change. Some better than others. A test showing the cancer is back has been a diagnosis faced by 3 of my close friends. An unexpected change which they are still trying to absorb.

Later today, I read a death notice of a somewhat unexpected death. The life of 3 children abruptly changed today as life, as they had known it, will now have a new normal. Life without a mother by their side.

Another friend's grandson's scholarship announcement came to mind. A college that seemed out of reach is now there for him. That's a positive and somewhat surprising change.

All of this to say, that life can change in a heartbeat or a phone call.
We are not in control. Changes, both good and bad, happen quickly and often surprisingly.
Not so for our Lord. There are no surprises for Him. All of our lives are filtered through His hands.
He never changes and His purpose for our lives is not subject to random peripety.

How blessed to rest in Him who uses peripety in our lives for His best for us.

Saturday, May 19, 2018


Most folks, especially female anglophiles, love a wedding. So....the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle from America had a "hands across the ocean" effect. A true media event! Which, in a post-ceremony CNN interview, the Archbishop of Canterbury said, "This wedding just blew up the chapel of St. George's chapel with the "good news" of Jesus Christ!"

However, there were elements to "consider" for all who are "children of the one true  King." Considerations to hold prayerfully in their hearts. The "royals" all arrived at the Galilee Porch entrance to Windsor castle. (An entry which sounds both biblical and southern to me----as Cana in Galilee, where the Lord Jesus celebrated a wedding turning water into wine and "porch," a entry of many southern homes.)
The opening prayer was offered to a God of love through Jesus Christ our Lord. To that, I and many others, said AMEN!
With my cuppa English Breakfast tea, I enjoyed the music---from classical with cello and "Stand by ME" to the hymn "Guide Thee O My Great Redeemer, "God Save the Queen," gospel "Amen" and "This Little Light of Mine." 
Old Testament reading from Song of Solomon and New Testament, 1 John 4:16, along with references to the triune God, as rings were exchanged, immediately got my attention. Then both "The Blessing," the Anthem from Numbers 6:24-26, the Lord's Prayer, recited by all in attendance, and aired to millions warmed my heart and evoked prayers. Mya all listening, whether at Windsor with the bride and groom, or anywhere the wedding was broadcast, have "ears to hear."
BTW, just before the vows, my ears heard "Be Thou My Vision" tune which I, and my friend, Pat Y., have heard a lot lately because of its special meaning to her. was not on the program. So.... I did research and found the Irish melody (Slane an old Irish folk tune) for "The Lord of all Hopefulness,"which was on the program, was indeed the same melody! 
Congrats to Harry & Meghan, aka Duke of Sussex and HRH Duchess of Sussex
In consideration of the significance of today's royal wedding, a USA /UK alliance of sorts, consider praying for all the royals.

*For the complete program, w/ one error as Meghan's father did not walk her down the aisle but Harry's Father, Prince Charles was her escort," click here.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018


WOWS = Week of Word Study. So....I had to share it today.
Jesus Always entry for wordsmith Doris' birthday (5/9) really had me considering parts of speech, in particular prepositions.

Prepositions express a relation to another word (usually a noun or pronoun)  For me, the noun/pronoun subject relation was Jesus Christ, by whose blood I am redeemed. 

  • With Him, I can be honest. (Proverbs 30:5)
  • I can be confident in Him. (2 Corinthians 3:4)
  • I can lean on Him. (Proverbs 3:5-6)
  • I can connect with Him through prayer anytime, anyplace. (Joshua 1:9)
  • I can always trust in Him. (Psalm 9:10, 20:7)

For all of  His blessings, I say WOW! You are my God. (Psalm 31:14)

Tuesday, May 15, 2018


Consider the consequences of the negative "TO-Don'ts" on your list if they become your "DOs."

Switch your thinking. Realize that ultimately you control very few of the circumstances/happenings which life throws your way and you have no control over the responses of others. 
Re-consider those negatives......1) excessive planning, 2) fretting & complaining 3) comparing         4) excessive talking, self-promoting.
.......with a positive focus accepting that the "best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry." (R. Burns, to A Mouse")
To end on a more positive are some "DOs" to counteract those DOnt's."
  1. Allow the Lord to direct your steps. (Proverbs 3:6) 
  2. Give thanks in everything. (1 Thessalonians 5:18) 
  3. Accept self as God created you. (Psalm 139:14) 
  4. Be quick to listen, listen, listen. (James 1:19)
  5. In humility consider others more important than yourself. (Philippians 2:3)

DO remember that you are not in control! The most positive result is remembering Who is ultimately in control of all of life.

Sunday, May 13, 2018


"Giving" is often skipped over in sermons as pastors don't want to "upset" the congregants.
But his word has lots to say about giving.
Last Sunday, I had the pleasure of re-living many of the familiar rituals of my childhood church. However, this time it wan't at the large First United Methodist in Hopkinsville Ky, but at a small church, Berlin Methodist in Lewisburg, TN. 
  • The Apostles Creed. 
  • Doxology. 
  • Lord's Prayer in unison. 
  • Responsive Reading. 
  • Offering Plate passed.
Berlin UMC is a church where a few seek to serve many, even with their tithes and offerings, "sowing bountifully and giving cheerfully." (2 Corinthians 9:6-7)
I was impressed by their generosity, as most were widows or "senior" couples---you can do the math! "Doing good and sharing generously with others pleases the Lord." (Hebrews 13:16)
Plus, they sang my old time favorite, "Lord of the Dance," p.261 in the Methodist hymnal!

Friday, May 11, 2018

PEACE BEGINS .............

.....wherever we, the peacemakers, are located!
Seek peace and prosperity for your "town." It's a great place to start. The earlier, the better. That's why many SCS schools have an international fair as a culmination of their year long international studies! What an extravaganza! 
It all began with folk songs 
and dances with music from 10 countries, including Norway's Troll Dance.
Each grade focuses on a different country.But....the pre-school focuses on their town. Memphis. We met the "mayor," Elvis, a grizz and a miniature "Penny" along with the duck master of the Peabody Hotel with his ducks all in a row.. Each 4 yr. old knew their speech and then treated all visitors to BBQ (Central) as we left. 
Each grade presented information on their country through displays, speeches and other creative artsy ways.....from computer slide shows to pottery and hands on art. During the Russian tour we were treated to "bottle people" of famous astronauts, ballerina's and conductors, all created by the students.
Plus, an international food tasting......African fruits, French pastries and Nutella, Japanese sushi, Mexican tamales. Russian caviar, borscht and black tea along with good ole PBJ sandwiches from the USA!
Seek the welfare of the city I have deported you to. Pray to the LORD on its behalf, for when it has prosperity, you will prosper. (Jeremiah 29:7)
Seek peace and prosperity as Jeremiah says----wherever God has put you.
Why not start in an elementary school!

Sunday, May 6, 2018


There is nothing quite like a family wedding! 
Kinship by blood joined with kinship through the Spirit of Christ. 
The simplicity of a service that glorifies and honors the Lord and even includes the sacrament of communion for the couple is a glory to behold.
Note the "cup and the bread" (right) a waiting the couple. 
As the Pastor said, "In the heavenly equation," marriage is when 2 people come together in the covenant relationship of 1, as man leaves father and mother and cleaves to his wife. (Genesis 2:24)
And when this stand is gladly taken, "Beneath the Cross of Jesus, " it is even sweeter! 
Hooray! Hooray! Mr. and Mrs. Johnson are on their way----from a wedding ceremony which glorified God, to a life of  committed faithfulness in marriage which will do the same.
 From a wedding supper table for 2, where little time was given by the hordes of well-wishers...
to a luscious trio of cakes where again "let them eat cake" was for others, with just a single bite for them.
As the celebration continued, a rainbow appeared....another covenant reminder. 
To me, that rainbow was a "God wink" for Robbie and Bjorn.
A perfect ending to a perfect day.....
.......and a perfect beginning for a life of 1+1 =2!

Thursday, May 3, 2018


Do you consider prayer a privilege? Or are you a sceptic? Do you take advantage of going before the "throne of grace" with your petitions? Or are you the cynic who criticizes those who do?
What a privilege it was to meet together today to pray with others who are burdened for out nation and approached the One who is the Answer with our requests. Prayer warriors standing together in one accord.
Today's National Day of Prayer theme was unity. Christians stood together as one, regardless of ethnicity or race, to call out to a holy God for peace in our land, security for Americans serving our nation and extra measures of God's mercy on our the United States of America.

Uni-TEA a great cuppa to serve today to believers in for our great nation which was founded on biblical principals. I consider it a privilege. A unifying one at that.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018


All the musings I did on consider---vt (verb transitive w/ direct object) and vi (verb intransitive w/o direct object) got bogged down with the relating of consider as a verb to considerate as an adjective and consideration as a noun.
So---I'm only posting what has been the most helpful to me as I'm considering "consider." But those desiring more info on conjugating the verb "consider," click here and have fun!

I decide to just "focus" on synonyms, which I cannot even cite because in all my examining, I have forgotten where I found it..
My consideration has lead to lots of mind mulling (gerund)---of the turning over/tossing around variety!