10/8/11 ... in Timothy Keller's book, The Reason for God; Belief in an Age of Skepticism, as The "Dance of Love." "God really has love as His essence." (Keller p. 216) G. K. Chesterton wrote 'for the Christian it (love) is the purpose of God.' (Keller p. 216) A dance of love is a dance of relationship. If in the pursuit of life, one is drawn to money, power or success/accomplishment over human relationships, that person is "sitting out" the dance of love. Those self-centered pursuits are not about relationships. "Self-centeredness destroys the fabric of what God has made." (Keller p. 217)
In the dance of love, take your place with the Lord. But God....doesn't want one to stay there as a way of shutting others out. The dance of love has an "other orientation." For believers, it's a committed relationship with both Him and each other. Choose to dance the dance of Love. See life as a big dance party, if you will. As the Lee Womack song says, "Give the heavens above more than just a passing glance And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance. I hope you dance. I hope you dance."
But you can't go it alone. The Dance of Love is all about relationships. Him first. Others next....and the dance continues.