Thursday, August 13, 2020


Do you feel sometimes as if you're stumbling backwards during this pandemic?
My "feelings" are trying to keep me overwhelmed, anxious, frustrated, IRRITABLE! (note all CAPS)
As I pulled out a napkin for my morning cuppa, from my "clean out/use up Cover-19 pare down stuff stack", I was astounded.
Like a tap on my shoulder, the napkin said it all. I was soon tapping my toes and humming, "Lord of the Dance". "Dance, then, wherever you maybe, ..........I'll lead you all, wherever you may be,....I'll lead you all in the Dance, said he" (S. Carter's English Hymn with melody from Shaker hymn, "Simple Gifts")

Don't give up when you stumble. Remember who your dance partner is---look up, not at your feet, and let Him lead with a new unique step, turn or dip.
Don't quit! Just keep on dancing with your eyes on the LORD. It's when we look down at our feet, (those overwhelming, anxious, frustrating, irritating, circumstances) that we stumble. Turn up the music so you can hear from Him not from the discouraging words in your head.
Though he (she) may stumble, he will not fall (be hurled headlong), for the LORD upholds him with his hand. (Psalm 37:24)
Remember who has your hand in His when you're dancing, allowing Him to guide you with His righteous right hand and...............KEEP ON DANCING!