Tuesday, May 23, 2017

CHOOSE: Perspicasi-TEA

I NEED a BIG cuppa perspicasi-TEA this morning. Some days are like that lately.
Just fill my teapot with a blend of keen mental perception and understanding and serve my cuppa. I will drain it to the dregs.
Decisions need to be made that I don't want to face. Partly due to lack of financial understanding and partly because of fear. I seem to lack confidence in "deciding" best options in many areas. I shun the responsibility that goes with making decisions when the options and possible consequences aren't clear.
"What ifs" rule my thought life.
But God...........in His word reminded me, "if I lacked wisdom, to ask Him" (James 1:5) and because I have believed his commandments, I can ask Him to "teach me good judgment and knowledge." (Psalm 119:66)
So....I can quit stewing and fretting about $$, worrying about a friend's health procedure or family choices and renew my mind with scripture(Romans 12:2) by choosing to apply perspicasity found in His word.