Thursday, July 21, 2016

A.B.C. ......(R-S-T-U-V-W-X-Y-Z).....X.Y.Zs at the beach!

Entries (3) will be entered starting from the end of the alphabet----weird, idiosyncratic person that I am--will want the entries to flow from top to bottom (A-Z) as they are read, when completed.
Thus, today's alphabet focus letters are R-Z.  Updates/replacements may be added as I find other photos.
R---reading, relaxing and ripcurrents 
S---sandcastles, sea oats, sandy burials, snorkeling and "Shark Shot Put" (an olympic sport of our own making)

T---Tea Times
U---USA "Beach"Team---pre-olympic trials

V---vacation for 17. How blessed it is when the brethren dwell together in unity. (Psalm 133:1)
W---white sand beaches and white foamy surf

X---xtraordinary extras---laughs known & understood only to those who were there!
Y---yoga on the balcony, on the sand, on the boardwalk & inside for the grannies

Z---Zephyr---ah-h those beach breezes during picture night