11/20/11 A stack of letters caught my attention. Outgoing mail. Many filled with stamps across the envelopes. A philatelist I'm not, though I was a member of the 5th grade "stamp collectors club." But I've always loved stamp art and often choose to buy ones that depict areas of life which I appreciate. Even today I love to personalize letters with appropriate, interesting, and to me, pretty stamps.
Yet, it wasn't the letters so much as the term outgoing that kept coming to mind. Not as fast as e-mail but a way of my love and concern going out to others. The outgoing was just a visible overflow of my inward thoughts and feelings. Hopefully these small gestures "shout" outwardly my inward affection and concern for them. "Shout" was a typo for show, (but I like the idea that my actions shout my love)
What is outgoing from your life? That question is one I've been musing all day. What about other outgoing aspects of my personality. Is the meditation of my heart worthy of visibility? What visible outpouring of care are my hands "about." What about my words? How encouraging our my "outgoing" remarks? "So encourage each other and build each other up...."
If I'm feeling godly emotions why am I not being
How do I keep "outgoing" ongoing?
Going a step further this afternoon, I took grandson Owen shopping with me to give to the WRVR toy truck for Porter Leath Children's Home. One little melt down occurred when he realized he wasn't getting the toy himself but only choosing it for another little boy or girl. Sharing is outgoing but for a preschooler it can be a hard, but necessary, lesson to learn.
Today was a beginning as I want my 4 yr. old grandson to experience "outgoing" with me so that it will be ongoing in his life.