Wednesday, September 7, 2022


Grace and mercy. Two road signs I choose to follow! How about you?
God's grace through Jesus is greater than all our sins! His mercies are new every morning! I know because I prayed thru the characteristics of God this morning as I exercised.
Anyway you say it, with whichever term you use, mercy and grace are both attributes of love. God's love! 
I want to stay on their paths, especially when those street signs are so obviously needed in my life.

For my "Wednesday Wordsmiths"............

Recently, I read that mercy and grace are 2 sides of the same coin!
Mercy withholds (intentional or unintentional) deserved punishment; grace endows unmerited favor. Greek word for mercy is eleos (pity and compassion); the Greek word for grace is charis (favor)
Mercy is compassionate love to the weak, and grace is generous love to the
unworthy. Humans are weak and unworthy - we all need God's mercy and grace. Mercy takes us to the path of forgiveness while grace leads us to reconcilliation.