For example, ""un" means "not."
Think. What happens when lawful is replaced by unlawful?
A life-changing decision. A prison sentence maybe. Followed by regret.
Just 2 simple letters added. Some by choice. Others not.
Healthy. Unhealthy.
Disciplined. Undisciplined. Apple or caramel?
Hmmm....maybe a caramel apple. Is that a "worthy" compromise? Maybe occasionally.
Our choices matter this side of heaven.
Forgiving is always the right choice!
An unforgiving spirit brings bondage. It can act like a poison to your soul.
Forgiveness gives life.
Cancel the debt; write a blank check of forgiveness.
Transform your unforgiving spirit to forgiving. Throw out the "un"--it's not needed.
Turn that anger and hurt into healing and peace.
Jesus did. With Him, there is always forgiveness for His beloved----no prefix ever needed.