Drum roll please----a sterling silver Francis the First pastry server. I think Mother (aka Gigi) figured it could be used in their home to serve the chocolate chess pie. (recipe included with
the gift) They actually used it in their wedding to cut the tiered wedding cake. Yes, I cried---couldn’t help it, especially since on a nearby table were engagement/wedding pictures of all the grandmothers. I’m not sure but I think maybe Mother’s winked or maybe that was just me blinking back the tears. (Gigi is third from left)
BTW, they also had a scrumptious caramel cake with sea salt for that sweet and salty taste that has become my flavor of choice. I had my first taste of sweet and salty caramel ice cream at the Shake Shack (Madison Sq Park at 23rd) on one of my first trips to NYC to visit Josh/Megan. Salted Caramel was on the Shack’s October custard calendar for Thursday, the night we arrived, so I lucked out.
Josh and Megan also provided “hot tea,” as well as coffee, to accompany their 3 cakes. You know how much this new mother-in-law appreciated both the “cuppa” and the thought.
The Gigi gift that Josh and Megan unwrapped was indeed shiny and beautiful, though not terribly expensive. The real gift was Gigi’s heart, wrapped in Gigi’s love. It revealed how special her grandson was to her----and that’s priceless.