Monday, April 22, 2013

I cannot do it.....

4/22/13.....that declaration is so relevant in many new ways and situations as I age. But God.......has been my strength or has provided the answer time after time. Thus that phrase, But God, as my blog readers know, is one I often hang my emotional hat on, especially when I need encouragement or the reminder of God's sovereignty. 
Imagine my excitement this week as I found both the sentence and the phrase in one verse. Joseph was speaking to Pharaoh in regards to a dream interpretation.
I cannot do it,” Joseph replied to Pharaoh, “but God will give Pharaoh the answer he desires. (Genesis 41:16, NIV)
The underlines are mine because that's what I'm meditating on this week as I seek to tackle a new teaching assignment. I cannot do it, but God will----because He has called me to this task. Where God guides, he provides. That's what I'll be thinking on this week, how about you?