Monday, March 27, 2017


Have you got your ears on?
In Disney World, LOTS of people of all ages "have their ears on." Some people even buy ears for "munching." With all that munching and the great clamor around them, they probably can only "listen to themselves."
Does the "clamor" of life keep you from truly listening to the Lord. 
How easy it is to call on Him to listen to us! Our cries for mercy and relief. (Psalm 4:1, 28:2, & 54:2) we respond with a listening ear? More than--- "in one ear and out the other."
Listening with the intent to obey. 
May we be more like Samuel. "Speak Lord your servant is listening." (1 Samuel 3:10)
God speaks; man listens. (2 Samuel 7:25-28)
In Psalm 5:3, the psalmist waits expectantly to hear the from the Lord.
In the morning Lord, you hear my voice;
in the morning I lay my request before you and wait expectantly.
That's what it's really like to have "your ears on" before the Lord. 
I'll take my pseudo ears with chocolate, please. Maybe each taste will sweeten the words I need to hear as I choose to listen to all, even the "hard truths," the Lord has for me.