Friday, April 28, 2023


Sometimes a day off from distractions, a fast of sorts, is helpful in seeking direction.

One of the results was a tweak and a sharing! 

Fellowship---think "glue of God" for believers. 

Many of us have lots of friends. Often among friendships there are boundaries or commonalities. Caregiver companions. College chums. 

Work friends. Work-out buddies. Or today---a true commonality. 

A common cause of service to others out of love to our Lord Jesus Christ! 


I am a companion 

of all who fear you,  

of those who keep your precepts. (Psalm 119:63)


Fellowship. Believers together regardless of the time or place. At the Home or Regions Bank. 

Sharing and caring are the manifestations of such a fellowship; it's life sharing!

“Exercising with one another.” Not at just at a gym or on a walk. Fellowship, is essential for growth, from physical to spiritual!  

Fellowship, sharing time in God's word laced with prayer enabling us physically coming alongside others in their struggles of life ---Our folks. Being there is an important earthly exercise with an eternal result. (Acts 2:42, 44)


So then let us pursue what makes for peace and for mutual upbuilding.  (Romans 14:19) Mutual Upbuilding sounds like fellowship to me! Fellowship without grumbling. 

You. Me! We!! Thee!!!---the BEST UNITY!

Fellowship is fun! Fellowship is more than fun!

Fellowship is the blending of thoughtswords and actions as we live together in the Truth we know! The One who is the TRUTH.

Fellowship is a solidarity of like-minded, yet uniquely gifted, believers as we align our hearts with God the Father through Jesus His Son and His Spirit within each of us.


REMEMBER>>>A sweet friendship refreshes the soul.(Proverbs 29:7) 

FELLOWSHIP = FRIENDSHIP PLUS! A step above all the rest


Fellowship of believers bound through the blood of Christ.

relationship where heart speaks to heart! 


May our God and Father Himself and our Lord Jesus Christ…make your love increase and overflow for each other (fellowship) & for everyone else whom you serve. (1Thessalonians 3:11-12) To lend a hand 


Today may we magnify the LORD & exalt His Name forever! (Psalms 34:3)


To God be the glory in our KDS FELLOWSHIP. Amen!


Thursday, April 27, 2023


I won't be on-line tomorrow for much of the day. In case T.H.O.T.S. come to mind, I'll share..... 
Subject T.H.O.T.S. "jottings" later. 

"Jottings." Those paper and pencil types. Mine with a freshly sharpened #2 pencil!
A magnetic bookmark is perfect for holding my place. 

Wednesday, April 26, 2023


Wordsmithery- -the skillful use of words by a wordsmith. 
I came across the word in Kate Morton's most recent book.
It reinforced to me that most wordsmith's, those skilled in wordsmithery, were first avid readers. Her writing reflects that as well. Wordsmithery quality. "This was the magic of books, the curious alchemy that allowed a human mind to turn black ink on white pages into a whole other world." (Morton p. 201)

Morton lists many books as well as a few poems in the story that affect the characters in one way or another.  In her acknowledgements she states the book is also about book and booklovers and that why a number of writers and works are mentioned within its pages. (p.547)
Budding wordsmiths need access to libraries. Libraries can build community and offer books as well as a refuge for those who need someplace to go. As this year's theme of National Library Week states, "There is more to the story." As author Gary Paulsen (1939-2021) shared "the apartment basement, a survival place with an easy chair, rats and a hotplate---away from family tensions."

What ultimately saved Gary Paulsen's teenage life was a library. He often stopped in to the library to get warm. A librarian gave him a library card with his name on it and his first book. One a month, then one a week. Then one day she gave hims a Script notebook and a new number two pencil.
Christians know that Jesus is truly the one who saves lives for eternity but those who have deep troubles, especially children, need to cross paths with one who cares---like offering a drink to the thirsty or care to one lost on a road side. Loving the Lord and their neighbor as themselves. (Luke 10:27)
A.E. thought all people should know the location of the library. I, on the other hand, think all should know the location of the church---a body of believers, where the best wordsmithery is found. 
In the pew back Bible. God is the ultimate Wordsmith!

Saturday, April 22, 2023


You, make the sunrise and sunset shout for joy! (Psalm 65:8)
What awe!
From the goldfinch singing outside my window as the sunrises..... the sunset in the mountains of Bryson City, North Carolina.

From the rising of the sun to its setting, the name of the LORD is to be praised. (Psalm 113:3)

Friday, April 21, 2023


Puritans strength of character came from their prayers and meditation.
Oh that such words could be used to describe all present day Christians! Recently, during Monday Prayer for Revival mornings, Carolyn Wynn read aloud one of the prayers, "Divine Promises" to us.
"All thy promises in Christ Jesus are yea and amen, and all shall be fulfilled."
Oftentimes, I use their prayers to prompt me into prayers and ensuing meditation of my own. 
A gift from Martha Banks in 2011,continues to be a treasure of an oft-needed vision for me.

Wednesday, April 19, 2023


WORLD BOOK DAY is just 4 days away. April 23; How will you celebrate? 
Read aloud to a child!
Parents and grandparents can often jumpstart a love for reading just by reading aloud as well as providing age appropriate books.
Is the written word important even when child cannot say or read words? 
Of course it is!

It stirs the joy of reading in his or her heart!


Children are a gift from the Lord (Psalm 127:3) and will need direction from God's word to guide them throughout life. 
Bible stories; literature of truth that is a good beginning of knowing, "Jesus Loves the Little Children" and "Jesus Loves Me!"

Jesus Loves Me ,
This I Know,
For the Bible Tells Me So.
Little Ones to Him belong,
They are Weak but He is Strong!
Yes, Jesus Loves Me. Yes, Jesus Loves Me!

Monday, April 17, 2023


Literal storms have been a BIG part of spring 2023. Storms of mass physical destruction.
From rare snow storms in areas of California to tornados in the south upwards to the north east.
Survival is difficult as folks begin to assess damage and pick up the pieces. 

Storms leave behind deep scars in one's psyche. Soul, mind and spirit.
Life is full of storms of struggle even without atmospheric tragedies!
How does one pick up the pieces of this mental and emotional, shattering? How does one even begin to stand?
The answer is the same for all our storm woes.
  • ......Draw near to the throne of grace.....(Hebrews 4:16)
  • The eternal God is your dwelling place.....(Deuteronomy 33:27)
  • ......Put your hope in His word. (Psalm 119:114)
  • Draw near to God...(James 1:8) 
  • Put on the full armor of God....(Ephesians 6:11)
Know the One who is the Answer!

Sunday, April 16, 2023


Sermon on a Sign.......more than just words in passing!
Heart Grabbing! Pithy with a punch!
A sermon message in a few choice words.....backed up by Scripture & found by Aubrey and Gayle on a road in MS.
Rather train yourself for righteousness (1 Timothy 4:7b)

Resist the devil. (James 4:7)

....what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God? (Micah 6:8)

Thanks Goodman Oaks Church of Christ for boldly sharing God's truth on your church sign!

Wednesday, April 12, 2023


It could be more of a southern tradition but monograms seem important in my "neck of the woods."
My daughter's wardrobe, as a youngster, was filled with monogrammed items and on to baby dishes and other items.
Dresses. Ruffled panties. Burp cloths 
Lockets. Silver baby julep cups. You get the idea.
As a newlywed, I proudly "sported" my new monogram, as most of my newly married friends "sported" theirs. 
My T-Cup travelers have lots of monogrammed items-- purses, towels, travel cups, baskets,  T-shirts...and a few funny stories that accompany them!
These days too many believers seem to be in the throes of "identity amnesia" We have forgotten whose we are! (Tripp, 4/12)
Today, Christian, understand that the most eternally important monogram to wear proudly would be....
............CHILD OF GOD!(1John 3:1)
The monogram that truly counts!

Tuesday, April 11, 2023


TUT! Tut!!


Let all things be done decently and in order.! (I Corinthians 14:40)

That's what Tidy Up Tuesday is all about.
One drawer at a time. How about a pantry floor!
This helpless housekeeper can even find distractions in the clutter.

Sunday, April 9, 2023


Praise the Lord. Risen indeed!

And the testimony is this, that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. (1 John 5:11) 
(Source JAE)
Risen indeed!
Glory be to God on this resurrection Sunday!

Saturday, April 8, 2023


A Lenten journey for me began this year with what was necessary to keep my focus on things above, not on things of earth. (Colossians 3:1-2)

Show me the right path, O LORD; point out the road for me to follow,. (Psalm 25:4)

A plain path.(ASV). Good path.(CEB) Even path.(DARBY) 
Level path.(ESV) Right path.(GNV) Straight path.(NIV) Upright path (NEV)

The necessary. The basics. The bottom line.The longings of the soul.
Henri Nouwen's book, Show Me the Way, was filled with reflections on the road of faith, which is God's way., along with prayers of openness.

Why O Lord, is it so hard for me 
to keep my heart directed toward you?
Why does my mind wander off
in so many directions,
and why does my heart desire
the things that lead me astray?
Let me sense your presence
in the midst of my turmoil.
Take my tired body
my confused mind,
and my restless soul into your arms
and give me rest ---simple, quiet rest. (p.35)

Friday, April 7, 2023


For Christians, this day is part of something bigger.  It's a part of Holy Week celebrations of Christians and Jews focusing on the crucifixion, death and burial of Jesus Christ. 
How could such a horrific act be a cause for celebration? 
Christ's suffering points to a bigger redemptive picture.
Worshippers across the globe use it as a time for mindful reflection. 
Spiritual discipline of fasting can aid in this time of reflection, confession of sin and prayer.

Good Friday represents what Christ did in obedience to His Father which resulted in redemption for all who believe through the shed blood of Jesus. 
A true outpouring of God's love. 
Good Friday communion is done in remembrance of this.

Good Friday. 
An emphasis of devotion to God pointing the way to Resurrection Sunday!

Thursday, April 6, 2023


Many of us have lots of friends. Often among friendships there are boundaries or commonalities. Caregiver companions. College chums. 
Work friends. Work-out buddies.

I am a companion of all who fear you, 
of those who keep your precepts. (Psalm 119:63)

Fellowship. Believers together regardless of the time or place.

A relationship where heart speaks to heart. 

Fellowship. A step above all the rest!

Wednesday, April 5, 2023


How did you start your day today?
If you started with a cuppa self-sovereign-TEA, I hope you spit it out!

Paul David Tripp's New Morning Mercies ON Wednesday (3/22) reminded me that too often our behavior can replicate that of our toddlers. Me first. Mine. 
We can be our own worst enemy. We need to be rescued from ourselves!
More of Thee ........less of me!

We need to appropriate more of God's grace.
  • Grace gives us hope.
  • Grace decimates our delusions of self-sufficiency.
  • Grace works on our behalf.
  • Grace helps us submit to the true Sovereign God of all grace. (1 Peter 5:10)
Grace rescues us from us.(Tripp, New Morning Mercies, 3/22)

Tuesday, April 4, 2023


Beckoning! Appealing in a way as to be inviting!
I think of a "pull toward" spiritual activities; yet, could also be a pull toward things of the world. Distractions.
Distractions...unique to each individual. Golf tourneys might not be mine but a good book or crossword puzzle could easily beckon me. 

"Set your affections on things above not on things on earth." (Colossians 3:2)
Some places seem to beckon. Do you have a place that calls you? 
Seek first the the kingdom of God....(Matthew 6:33)

A place to beckon you before God's throne of grace!

Go their first and all the rest will fall into God's place.....unique for you!

Sunday, April 2, 2023


Silent Retreat.
Enough said.
Actually N0THING said aloud....for approximately 2 1/2 hours.
Not sure specifically because I never looked at my watch!
Those who really know me will find that hard to belief.
In quietness and trust is my strength. (Isaiah 3:15)