Monday, November 29, 2021


When a Monday begins with a continuation of Saturday and Sunday sickness one, at least this one, can lose her focus. My body was out of steam. There was no zip or zest, just weariness. But God....brought a verse into focus.
"Don't burn out; keep yourself fueled and aflame." (Romans 12:11, MSG)

How does one do that when she is physically spent? Start where you are. 
Look for God's hand.

Be fully present in the present so God can present His perfect present. (Taylor Park)
God's grace is our best present.

Remind me daily that even the smallest of moments do matter.

Tuesday, November 23, 2021


A picture for the ages (11/19/2021 5;34 am CST).....because the next Frost Moon/ partial lunar eclipse won't be seen in North America won't be until 2100! It was the longest partial lunar eclipse since 1440, and the longest until 2669. the one who made the moon for the seasons. (Psalm 104:19) 

Friday, November 19, 2021


Some days I feel as if I "meet myself coming and going!" (an idiom from my Hoptown hometown days)
On a recent road trip to visit family, a food replenishment stop, gave a positive meaning to that saying, 
Location: THE BURGER JOINT, New Boston, Texas
As we were coming in we were greeted with God's Word! What an auspicious beginning for one who was having trouble holding her head up because of pain. (Philippians 4:6-7)
As we had our rr break and waited for our food another "timely" message helped endure the wait. (Colossians 3:15)
More relevant scripture was visible upon our exit---a great "going out" reminder. (Exodus 14:14
Did I mention that whether we were just coming in for refreshment or going out to return to our car, every employee was smiling and helpful!!

As we drove off, my mind was flooded with scripture that would sustain me the rest of this somewhat arduous trip. 
The LORD will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forevermore. (Psalm 121:8, emphasis mine)

Wednesday, November 17, 2021


Language, lingo, vernacular, slang, southern speak. Jargon of the people. In other words.....WORDS. 
To the unfamiliar ear, words and phrases can seem to be mumbo jumbo,

Many terms/phrases are regional. As I never understand half of the words my teenage grands use, I'd say age is a demographic factor.

Today I feel knackered! (a Brit term for tired or worn out)  
Some words, toot berries comes to mind, are family specific.
New words/phrases are added yearly. One add to the OED in 2020, which I like, is adj. awesomesauce, for extremely good, excellent. (Siri doesn't know it yet and chooses to underline it or respell as she does often with my southern dialect when I talk my text.) Certainly the pandemic has added terms; anti-vaxxer, & pandemic brain, which often refers to fogginess when trying to focus, concentrate or make decisions along with 
But I digress as I often do. Think excursus....a digression in a written text. (Latin-"excurrere") 
I often think of it as allowing my mind or mouth to go on an excursion away from a main idea. 

But His word simply reminds me---let my yes be yes and my no be no as no other oath is needed. (James 5:12) I mean what I say and say what I mean when sharing God's truth. 
Ecclesiastes 5:2 reminds us to let our words be few.
No fancy words or lingo needed just simple truth. (Proverbs 17:27)
Walk the talk of gospel truth.

Monday, November 15, 2021

Monday Meditation

Mondays are for meditation at my house. All who know me know why am I muddling in my maladies today? Distraction reigns. Disillusionment is trying to creep in. I need to return to meditation afresh.
Jack, a budding paleontologist, calls this one Tri-Larrytops!

God is not a God of chaos, confusion and disorder.....but of peace! (1 Corinthians 14:33)
Oh how I love your law! It is my meditation all the day!  (Psalm 119:27)
Therefore.........I'm heading to church for a time of meditation with some prayer warriors.
May we all be revived by the Lord of peace.