Wednesday, April 5, 2023


How did you start your day today?
If you started with a cuppa self-sovereign-TEA, I hope you spit it out!

Paul David Tripp's New Morning Mercies ON Wednesday (3/22) reminded me that too often our behavior can replicate that of our toddlers. Me first. Mine. 
We can be our own worst enemy. We need to be rescued from ourselves!
More of Thee ........less of me!

We need to appropriate more of God's grace.
  • Grace gives us hope.
  • Grace decimates our delusions of self-sufficiency.
  • Grace works on our behalf.
  • Grace helps us submit to the true Sovereign God of all grace. (1 Peter 5:10)
Grace rescues us from us.(Tripp, New Morning Mercies, 3/22)