Saturday, May 31, 2014


and the two will become one flesh.(Ephesians 5: 31, NIV)
Finali-TEA of singleness.  So....they are no longer two... today these two, Emme and Tyler, become one. A joyous time.
Vows will be taken before God and man. 
Lots of family and friends. A serious time.

The bride has been on my Saturday prayer list, by name since April 2001, where I had noted specifically a godly spouse as a request for this young lady, Mary Elizabeth Andrews. 
Prior to that she had been one of many of Maureen & Rad's kids as I had been praying for Maureen on Friday's since 1986---still do. 

Wedding day prayers have become a big part of "kids" from the Saturday list---which now includes "grands."
Prayers for each "to find one whom their soul loveth" (Song of Solomon 3:3) and that both the wedding and the marriage would glorify the Lord. Wedding day prayers are for fideli-TEA. Prayers of faithfulness for their marriage---to the Lord Jesus Christ and to each other, for the rest of their lives.

This morning was no different as those prayers were lifted before the throne of grace for Emme and Tyler. 
May all gathered toast a cuppa "fideli-TEA" to the young couple tonight.

Friday, May 30, 2014


That I may know Him....(Philippians 3:10, KJV)
What does one cultivate? 
Today's chat, with H2H friend Jan C, reminded me of all the "false assumptions" that our culture cultivates in our lives via the media. Think ads. 
What measures our success and achievements? 
Is our significance found in our bank account? 
Our satisfaction in $$? 
Our security in our 401K?
If one needs a shift in his thinking, he must rid his mind and his heart of false gods of our culture. Counterfeit gods seem to be ruling our thought life. We're listening to the wrong gods.
Ask self....What am I cul-TEA-vating in my life cuppa?
The reality of knowing Him comes from consistent devotion to personal Bible study and prayer. To know the One true God, one needs to persist in cultivating His presence. (Streams, 5/29)

Thursday, May 29, 2014

"TEA-rrific" Day

Choose this day whom you will for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. (Joshua 24:15, NASB)
Some days are terrific from the get-go. Others, not so much.
Like happiness, terrific days are a choice.
Verse 15 of Joshua 24 shows us that God's call for "choice" is for all of us. 
A public choice.
It is a choice for each of us. A personal choice. 
It is a choice for parents to make for all in their households. A parental choice. (B. Liles, 5/11/14)

Choosing to serve Him. A right choice. 

There's a bottom line for choice. Choosing to serve God is choosing to have a "TEA-rrific day, regardless of one's circumstances.
tea-rrific! product now available at Kroger.
(Carolyn F.,---Batesville, MS)
Starting each day with Him is a choice. A right one. Starting it with a cuppa is also a choice. A TEA-riffic one for me!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. (Psalm 119:105, NIV)
Until a recent Allen Bible Church sermon, (5/11), I had used the word perspicui-TEA incorrectly. I even documented its use in my Bible years ago as I heard it from a former pastor. Obviously, I heard it incorrectly since clarity of truth is the hallmark of perspicuity in scripture. God's truth has no opacity when spiritually discerned by the Holy Spirit. God's Spirit gives clarity and understanding of scripture.
Clearly, God's word is infallible, even when I don't fully understand it. (2 Timothy 3:16) Living out (obedience) what I do know and do understand, allows me to continue to grow in knowledge of Him. I want my faith to be perspicuous in my life.
It is God's word that gives lucidity to my life of faith. 
It's why I use God's word as a filter to my thoughts and interpretations of scripture. 
A cuppa perspicui-TEA---
May I sit under God's Word and its veracity, imparted by the Spirit of  Truth.
“I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.” (C.S. Lewis)

Lucidi-TEA is key in studying God's Word. Therefore my "Tea with Thee" times start with a request for a cuppa  perspicui-TEA of spiritual wisdom to be served by my spiritual teacher. 

Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Let them give thanks to the Lord for His unfailing love, 
(Psalm 107: 7, 15, 21, 31,  NIV)

Psalm 107 begins the PRAISE section of the 44 psalms in this section of the psalter. It is FULL of praise in spite of difficult circumstances.

The psalmist seeks to motivate Lord’s redeemed to praise Him by remembering / recalling / reviewing His mighty acts. I’ve been camped out here for several days with several different teas in my speckleware cuppas, as God has used Psalm 107 to prompt prayers.
Med-TEA-tation is the primary tea. Using this psalm for meditation and prayer, I transitioned to praying specifically for a few friends. I began to seen reasons to praise the LORD---to serve him a cuppa gra-TEA-tude on their behalf.

Captivi-TEA---The Lord delivers his own from captivity---God sets each one free by providing liber-TEA for those held in captivity, first from the Babylonians and later from their own afflictions and iniquities.

Liber-TEA continues to be needed in our own lives. Many cry out to Him for release from the distresses of fears, family concerns and even chronic physical illnesses. Others need for Him to break the chains of depression that they might be brought out from the mental darkness and deep gloom of emotional despair. 

Med-TEA-tation easily led to a cuppa gra-TEA-tude. A cuppa gra-TEA-tude for both God’s goodness and His enduring love as Psalm 107 proclaims.

Monday, May 26, 2014

"securi-TEA" : recollections

Peace be within your walls and security within your towers!
(Psalm 122:7, ESV)

There is much variance in the security continuum. The security felt by a baby in a mother-child relationship is at the opposite end of the spectrum from a security of a nation with fortified borders. Somewhere in between is that home security of a "safe" neighborhood and that brotherhood security of a family or a group.

On this Memorial Day 2014, I recall the sense of security (belonging) that Daddy felt on Saturdays, especially after Mother died, when he went to the VFW for his "virtually free" lunch. He always gave a "donation" to the jar, and would comment on what a great deal it was to get a bowl of soup or chili with a hotdog or maybe even a plate of spaghetti. But the best deal was the welcome he received from his place at the same table week after week.** Decatur Adams to his left and Tag Mabry to his right with Daddy in his listening position between the two. Daddy was a listener. He and Tag both served in the army  on Goodenough Island in the Solomon Sea (New Guinea) during WWII, tho they didn't realize it until they returned home after the war. Tag had no trouble in recounting those days and Daddy understood where he was coming from in his tales. A sense of security builds between folks who have been on the same side of a struggle. 

Tho he rarely would talk about it, Daddy was later wounded on the isle of Leyte in the Philippines. The US lost 3500 men in 67 days in October 1944. I do remember that Daddy, the platoon leader, and his men walked in the muck for so long that Daddy"s (and others?) boots virtually rotted off his feet. Once he and his men came upon a small vacated cabin. Inside was an old upright piano. One of his men sat and played familiar songs which they all tearfully "sang" as they recalled the tune and some of the words. Daddy said that at that moment of surprised joy and delight, he decided that his home with Mother would have a piano. 2211 South Virginia Street had an old upright piano in the front hall for as far back as I can remember. I took piano lessons from Mrs. Bell who lived just across Virginia Street, but never became "accomplished." Son, Buddy however still plays, mainly by ear so maybe Daddy started a good thing because hubby and I  had a piano in our first home as well.

Daddy was seriously wounded in the leg at Leyte by a Japanese sniper high in a tree. Daddy was sent to a military hospital and eventually returned to the states. Daddy became a member of that brotherhood of veterans who were awarded the purple heart.
The day after his wounding, another sergeant took Daddy's place, leading the platoon on maneuvers. Ambushed by the Japanese, none survived. That event is probably the reason Daddy chose not to talk very often about the war. 
We still hang our flag in honor of our vets whose valor
has afforded us our freedom and security for all these years!
Growing up as a child of one who was a member of the GI Generation (dubbed the "Greatest Generation" by Tom Brokaw) I always felt secure---there was no reason not to in our little town. But now, as an adult, and as grateful as I am for all the military protection that comes from living in a democracy, I realize that no borders are ever totally secure.  9/11 broadcasted that truth in living (and dying) color.

But His love and mercy provides a security that goes beyond walls and towers. His cuppa securi-TEA is the one I sip with gratitude, knowing that even if all our defenses fail, He never does. 

Eterni-TEA with the Lord is the BEST cuppa securi-TEA. It is served with peace.

** Elwood Richardson, Hoyt Shimp, Red Tucker, were other table members.

Sunday, May 25, 2014


To answer a reader's question......Yes, I've read the last in the Richard Paul Evans "Walk" series.  That series was my first Sunday book review for this year's blog. It wasn't so much a review as a "thanks" for recommendations from reading friends. You can click on the blue link to see a list of the titles in the series.

The final installment was out this month, Walking on Water. (5/6/14) and this week was #3 on the NY Times best sellers. Many readers had to wait 5 years as each installment was published. I, on the other hand, didn't find our about this series until this year.
As not to introduce any spoilers, I'll just say that the protagonist, Alan, is on a walk from Seattle to Key West, in hopes of finding healing. He finds lots else along the way. When he was in our "neck of the woods," St. Louis and south through Memphis and Mississippi and on to Florida, it was interesting to read the "author's take" on our area. As this final book begins, Alan is about to enter Florida. From there it seemed to be a lot of where he slept and what he ate info. But, all in all, the series was a "clean" read---much more than a travelogue, as the following quotes will show. Evans is very "quo-TEA-ble

"It is better to be loved by one person who knows your soul than millions who don't even know your phone number." The Walk

“The assumption of time is one of humanity's greatest follies. We tell ourselves that there's always tomorrow, when we can no more predict tomorrow than we can the weather. Procrastination is the thief of dreams.” The Walk

“Some people in this world have stopped looking for beauty, then wonder why their lives are so ugly. Don't be like them. The ability to appreciate beauty is of God. Especially in one another. Look for beauty in everyone you meet, and you'll find it. Everyone carries divinity within them. And everyone we meet has something to impart.” Miles to Go

....grace is more than our destination, it is the journey itself, manifested in each breath and with each step we take. Road to Grace

“As we walk our individual life journeys, we pick up resentments and hurts, which attach themselves to our souls like burrs clinging to a hiker's socks. These stowaways may seem insignificant at first, but, over time, if we do not occasionally stop and shake them free, the accumulation becomes a burden to our souls.” Road to Grace

 “What a culture we live in, we are swimming in an ocean of information, and drowning in ignorance.” A  Step of Faith

"It's a shame that hearts don't come with manual overrides." Walking on Water

The series final, Walking on Water,  opens with a quote from T.S. Eliot.........

We shall not cease from exploration, 
And the end of all our exploring,
 Will be to arrive at where we started
And know the place for the first time.

......and ends with a letter from the author, Richard Paul Evans

"All journeys must come to an end. After five years of resaeaching and writing the walk, the emotions that crossed my heart when I reached Key West were a powerful mix of accomplishment, finality and nostalgia. I was grateful that I had made the choices that led me to the end of this road ---literally as well as figuratively."

Saturday, May 24, 2014


They were at their wits’ end. Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble, and He brought them out of their distress. 
(Psalm 107:27-28, NASB)
At Wit's End---everything seems to be going wrong. 
Perplexed. Baffled. Beyond comprehension of my finite mind. An entangled state of mind.
Don't know which way to turn.
Wit's End Corner---not far from the intersection of "Bitter and Sweet"---turning in the right direction is crucial!

At Wit's End--where despair sets in.
At Wit's End--where self-pity camps out.
At Wit's End--where family problems gather.
At Wit's End--where health issues loom.
At Wit's End--where unavoidable circumstances of financial loss devastate
At Wit's End--where defeat seems certain.
At Wit's End--where we all have been.
Remember at "Wit's End Corner," is just where God's power & strength & love  is shown. (Antoinette Wilson, "Streams in the Desert" 5/23) Turn toward Him.

Ever been there? At Wit's End Corner? Of Course you have!

If you're there now, ask the Lord to rid you of your cuppa perplexi-TEA and re-direct your confusion. 
Return to the "corner of happy and healthy." (with apologies to Walgreens) 
Joyful in Him and spiritually well.

Friday, May 23, 2014


Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, (Matthew 6:25, NIV)

Infidelity stinks. Whether it's a physical infidelity of a spouse or a breach of loyalty that breaks an emotional relationship with a friend, infidelity takes its toll upon relationships and leaves deep scars. What about spiritual infidelity? 

If we are to "take no thought for our lives" (KJV) doesn't that imply that mapping out our agendas and planning over excessively are a form of spiritual infidelity? According to Oswald Chambers it does. (My Utmost for His Highest, 5/23)
So much forethought can bring undue pressure. (Don't I know that to be true!)

Worrying implies that God can not look after the practical details of our lives. Infidelity can begin with the smallest worries. What to eat. What to drink. What to wear. 
"Look at the birds,....."Matthew 6:26
"Consider the lilies...."(Matthew 6: 28)
But in our own lives we still falter and thus fall into the worry trap. "I will not trust where I cannot see." (Ibid, 5/23)

Worry is infidelity.

Therefore, in obedience to the Spirit, today's blog holds no cuppa because I don't want to drink from a cuppa of infideli-TEA!*

*2:29 pm disclaimer/admission---Woe is me---I had no more gotten up from my prayer chair than I began to "sip" from that cuppa spiritual infideli-TEA. I couldn't find my car keys. Worries flooded in. "What if's" pounded in my ears! I not only sipped it, I swallowed it ----I should have spit it out!
I was headed to "work out" my stress (thru Zumba and a water class) wondering what if I can't get in without my pass, which is "attached" to said keys.
Woe is me who can "type it" but can't "live it"----at least not for sustained periods!

Thursday, May 22, 2014


I long to visit you so I can share a spiritual blessing with you that will help you grow strong in the Lord. I'm eager to encourage you in your faith, but I also want to be encouraged by yours. In this way, each of us will be a blessing to the other" (Romans 1:11-12, NLT)

"Make new friends but keep the old, one is silver and the other gold." That's the ditty that we used to sing with our Girl Scout leader, Mrs. Campbell (Ginger's mother) in the basement of Hopkinsville's First Baptist Church. 
Both relationships have value. Some friendships begin in one's youth & last a lifetime. Some relationships are formed later in life and last only for a season. Yet, they are no less important, especially when both are on the same side of a struggle and coated with a deep faith in the one true God. A spiritual patina. A richness.

Figuratively, patina can refer to any signs of age, which are felt to be natural or unavoidable (or both). Decorator friend, Kathi, often deliberately adds patinas as a part of the decoration of her "found" furniture. Her distressing simulates antiquity in more newly-made objects. The end result is pure "richness."

Friendship enhanced by years also has a richness---but now and again one meets a new friend who seems to come with a richness that belies the length of the relationship. A friendship that fits together---as comfortable as an old shoe and as valuable as many older relationships.
I thought of that richness this morning as I planted flowers in the patina enriched metal baskets that friend Julie had given me when she moved to DC. Looking at the aesthetically appealing metal surface of both the basket and the bird reminded me of the  richness of the relationship we if we'd known each other for ages. She would be the patina; the rusty coating (older) would be my part in the relationship.
 One of the verses of that Scout tune was so reminiscent of that season of Claudia's cancer care when "new" Julie and I seemed to be a tag team for our mutual friend---both of us working together to benefit another in the household of faith. A rich reciprocal relationship.
You help me,
and I'll help you
and together we will see it through.
Julie is now in DC and yet our friendship continues---it's as rich as the patina on the garden treasures she left me. 
A pa-TEA-na rich cuppa relationship, shared by two in a friendship that is lasting beyond a season.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

"heredi-TEA" : an individual cuppa

We will not hide these truths from our children; we will tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of the LORD, about his power and his mighty wonders. (Psalm 78:4, NLT)
In the Christian faith, one is not born a Christian. Everyone comes to the Lord on his own. Acceptance of faith is not hereditary. Heredi-TEA in the Lord doesn't come through the bloodline of the parents, but through an individual's acceptance of the atoning blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. One claims faith for himself; it's not ascribed by birth.
However, God's word instructs us in several ways to guide one's children to that end: to share the goodness of the Lord; to tell of His deeds and power in one's own life; Recalling all the ways God has shown His hand.  

Legacy in the spiritual realm is a lifestyle as you can only leave what you live.
As DTS former professor, Howard Hendricks, said, "You cannot impart what you do not possess."

You teach what you know, but you reproduce what you are.
Our older son brings each of his sons to Memphis the summer prior to his kindergarten year for a “heritage trip.”  A trip to Daddy’s hometown to see us, the paternal grandparents, along with Daddy’s former homes, schools and favorite places, and a side trip to Pickwick---where his daddy spent his growing up years.

A time of one-on-one events, coupled with lots of BBQ.
May each Liles generation "set its hope anew on God,..." (Psalm 78:7)
Building relationships is key to sharing a faith that "sticks"......"so the next 
generation might know them, even the children not yet born and they in turn 
will teach their own children." (Psalm 78:6)

"Heredi-TEA" : an individual cuppa of faith served singly (one by one) by the Lord Himself.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014


They shall abundantly utter the memory of thy great goodness, and shall sing of thy righteousness. (Psalm 145: 7, KJV)
God is good. Today my heart was filled to overflowing with His goodness. One grandson graduated from kindergarten and I was able to attend the event. Something that has not always been a possibility as a working mother/grandmother. How fun to congratulate him on completing the course and laughing at his response to his mommy's comment about "crying at his graduation."
"You don't have to cry, Mommy; I promise I'll be good today."

Plus, a Texas grandson is in town with his daddy for his heritage trip and his 6th birthday. I was able to splash thru the water at Mud Island's Riverwalk with him and congratulate him on his map skills---and for keeping me "directionally" on my toes. I wonder if I passed on some of my Ms Rand-McNally genes to him.
Sharing any milestone with a grandchild is worth celebrating. Kudos. Congratulations. Pats on the back. All are important ways to encourage. 
Celebrating cousins! Congratulations! More food was in their stomachs and on the table than on the floor! Celebrating laughter. John Parker's definition of his fish basket was priceless. "They killed a fish and made him into a chicken strip."
Today, my utterance of His great goodness is that I'm still around to share these times with family.
We all need to celebrate each moment, be thankful and find reasons to serve a cuppa congra-TEA-lations to others---even in the little things.

Monday, May 19, 2014


This is the day which the LORD has made; Let us rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalm 118:24, NASB)
"Good news, John Parker has a birthday!
Good news, John Parker has a birthday!!
Good news, John Parker has a birthday----He's 6 years old today!!!"

We all sang around the kitchen table at breakfast this morning. It is indeed good news when the day is blessed with family gathered, scripture read, prayers given and a grandson honored on "his" day. 
Lots of cuppas of gaie-TEA to be shared these next few days as we, grandparents, celebrate moments one-on-one with our son and his number 4 son. 
A cuppa gaiety with a baseball cookie because John Parker doesn't like cake, as he is quick to remind us!
There's even celebratory gaiety with a stinky fish, especially when it's caught at Pickwick on Pop's dock.

Sunday, May 18, 2014


For readers, there's nothing like discovering a good book. It's even better when you realize that it's one of a "series." That's the way many readers felt when they discovered their first "Mitford" book featuring Father Tim, an Episcopalian rector, with a dog named Barnabas.

The Mitford series kept many waiting for the next one. 
An-TEA-cipation of a good read. A safe read. 

Jan Karon doesn't surprise her readers with filth or vulgar language. She just takes the reader into the small town of Mitford and its quirky characters and makes them want to return again and again. Karon's books are both warm-hearted and funny. 
Opening Light in the Window, my favorite of the Mitford books, to check out the town map on the frontispiece, I found signatures of  friends, with whom I had shared the book....a great jog down memory lane, because many have since moved away.
Home to Holly Springs, though not one of the "Mitford" books, does deal with Father Tim's early years in a location just down the road for all of us Memphis readers.
Finally, 9 years after the last Mitford book, listed as the "final" of the series.....  #10 is coming out in September. 

Somewhere Safe With Somebody Good. (9/2/14)
A title that seems to describe Mitford---a cuppa an-TEA-cipation for me.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

"visibili-TEA" : a wedding cuppa

Men see not the bright light which is in the clouds. (Job 37:21, KJV)
Life is full of clouds. From our earthly perspective, these clouds can seem dark, foreboding even. But God....has a different perspective. He sees from above. Just as my grandson and I saw the reflective light in the mist a few days ago, in the double rainbow, God can always see the shining bright reflective light. It's a heavenly perspective.

Today is Suzanna and Nathan's wedding day. It's raining. The hope had been for clear skies. As their preparations continue for their outdoor reception, may I continue to pray for the wedding, (regardless of the raindrops) the reception (regardless of the weather temps) and the marriage (regardless of the clouds that they will face) to glorify Thee.

May daughter, Molly, from the crane high above the reception, capture all of this in the pictures. A photo journey of a true celebration of two, equally-yoked young people, as they begin their "forever" journey as man and wife. 

May they remember the "bright light" who is behind these clouds. These moving clouds. May they see His hand in their lives and rejoice because of who He is....a trustworthy God who loves them. 

May the Lord serve them a cuppa visibili-TEA of His love on this their wedding day, regardless of the weather!
CONGRATULATIONS Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Barnhart!

Friday, May 16, 2014

serendipi-TEA : a Re-Brew

Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth." (Genesis 9:16, NIV)

Arriving at Owen's soccer practice, the drops started to fall. Of course they did, it's Memphis BBQ Fest time. Dave Brown had just announced on the simulcast that it was raining down on the river and coming east at 40 mph. Then Joe Birch interrupted, saying, "Will you look at that---iPhones are snapping everywhere---it's a double rainbow."
Out east, we only had dark clouds and drops that were getting heavier by the moment.

But....the good news (serendipiTEA for me) was a Chi-Fil-A around the corner and the cancelled practice allowing extra time for the two of us to go inside the restaurant for a treat. 
The real treat was discovered before we even walked in the door. 
Owen saw it first. "Look , Shug---a rainbow. My first time ever to see one. Look it's two just like the man on the radio said." 
Owen was right. A double rainbow. A double blessing. Created by God.
Just seeing Owen's first (as he recalls) rainbow with him and then both of us sharing the special event of the double rainbow. Serendipi-TEA!
The primary rainbow had the colors showing red, orange, yellow, green....from outside to inside. If the light in the rainbow is reflected twice, it results in a double rainbow---with the reverse of the colors starting with red, orange...and continuing. (red faces inward toward the other rainbow, in both rainbows)(
That's just what we saw!

And Owen learned a new word.....serendipity!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Evening Prayer "veloci-TEA"

In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, O LORD, will keep me safe. (Psalm 4:8, NLT)
Speedy conviction. That was the "veloci-TEA" of the realization that my evening prayers probably set the stage for my morning prayers and I ought to give that time more attention. A new prayer direction. Certainly the compiler of the Psalms, this "hymnal of the Jewish people" knew that. Interestingly enough, the evening prayers are mentioned in both Psalm 3 and Psalm 4 prior to the mentioning of the morning prayers in Psalm 5.

Scripture before sleeping may prompt prayers. God's word, in and of itself can be a prayer. "To the Lord I cry....I lie down and sleep....and will not fear" (Psalm 3:4-6) and David concludes  in 4:8, for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety. 

"It's David's confidence in God that enables him to lay himself down calmly and tranquilly to sleep, whatever dangers threaten him. He seeks his couch, and at once (יחדּו) slumber visits him. No anxious thoughts keep him tossing on his bed for hours." ( Confidence in God comes from knowing Him through His word.

Anne Graham Lotz's, endorsed Daily Light for Every Day, includes morning and evening prayers. Equal scripture content for both. The "Graham/Lotz families read this "little" collection each day. It keeps them all on the same page. 
Last night I read the 5/16 entry from Daily Light and prayed those "very" appropriate verses for a decision a dear friend would be making on that "very" day. Grateful for the "velodi-TEA of conviction that had me speedily changing my direction of evening prayers. 

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Morning Prayer "veloci-TEA"

 O God, you are my God; early will I seek you: my soul thirsts for you, my flesh longs for you.....(Psalm 63:1, KJV)
Velocity can be both good and bad....especially in one's prayer life. Speed and direction in a moment of crisis is just the motion needed. Quickly praying upward. Immediately turning (directionally) to the One who hears. 

Yet, apart from times of urgency, one's prayer times can be so much richer than that, as reading through the Psalms clearly shows. The poetry of the Psalms seems to take on a slower rhythm......a rhythm of the life of the poet or author, from David and Solomon to unknown others. Laments. Praises. Testimony. Confessions. 

Morning prayer times often have me praying slowly.....prayers for others expressed thorough passages from the Psalms. The rhythm of my own life expressed in language from the Psalter. Inhaling the scripture, exhaling the prayers. A breath of God breathed out---His Words, my breath.

Panic prayers, arrow prayers and night-night prayers, are more rapid than those morning ones. Reading through a psalm or other scripture slows me down. No speed reading. In cadence with God's word. Reading and praying. The silences and the sounds.
Holy Spirit, living Breath of God, Breathe new life into my willing soul. Bring the presence of the risen Lord To renew my heart and make me whole. Cause Your Word to come alive in me; ("Holy Spirit, Living Breath of God," lyrics)
A "hurried" velocity in praying doesn't leave room for empty space. 
"A note in music gets its significance from the silences on either side." (Anne Morrow Lindbergh, Gift From the Sea, p. 115) As in music, empty space is essential in correlating the scripture to the prayer.
A slowing of my morning cuppa mirrors the velocity of my reading and praying, as it takes time to sip and savor both----my English Breakfast Tea and prayers re-directed to Him as I am stimulated from His word

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall. (Proverbs 16:18, NIV)
How many ways can one "negatively" spell pride? A.r.r.o.g.a.n.t./ B.o.a.s.t.f.u.l. / C.o.n.c.e.i.t. / H.u.b.r.i.s. / S.n.o.o.t.y.
How many destructive results can pride bring into one's life?
  • Pride led to his downfall. He was unfaithful to the LORD his God. (2 Chronicles 26:16)
  • Pride is as a chain about their neck (bondage) (Psalm 73:6)
  • When pride cometh, then cometh shame (Proverbs 11:12)
  • Only by pride cometh contention (quarreling) (Proverbs 13:10)
  • A man's pride shall bring him low: (Proverbs 29:23)
The results are destructive; the root is pride. What's the root of pride? Self!!!!!!!!!

prIde---(self) is in the middle of it all. 
Memo to prideful person: "Get over yourself." 
When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom. (Proverbs 11:2)

Drain those dregs of haugh-TEA-ness, pomposi-TEA, superiori-TEA and vani-TEA from your life's cuppa and allow the Lord to serve you a cuppa humili-TEA from His wounded hands!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Tea and Symphony

Praise the LORD! Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens! Praise him for his mighty deeds; praise him according to his excellent greatness! Praise him with trumpet sound; praise him with lute and harp! Praise him with tambourine and dance; praise him with strings and pipe! Praise him with sounding cymbals; praise him with loud clashing cymbals! Let everything that has breath praise the LORD! Praise the LORD! (Psalm 150, ESV)
The Memphis Symphony was playing in God's sanctuary at the Dixon Gallery and Garden's Saturday night. (5/10) "Symphony in the Gardens," a bi-annual favorite of mine.
Trumpets and strings and brass and cymbals. Even couples spontaneously dancing, when the MSO Big Band took to the stage playing historic musical scores originally performed and broadcast live by CBS radio from the Peabody Hotel's Skyway ballroom.
.It was all there---even tea. Hot tea at the fancy table set-up, Long Island Iced "Tea-type" drinks at other tables. And hones-TEA at mine, thanks to friend Carolyn F.

Tea and Symphony made for a beautiful evening with friends, under God's sky.
A shout out of thanks to sponsors, Dominion Partners and Brian Kinney!

Sunday, May 11, 2014


Hubby's mom (our Mommar) didn't live to be 103, as George Dawson the focus of today's book review did. However, she did grow up during impoverished times and yet kept that same positive "life is good" focus as Dawson projects.
Dawson's book, Life is So Good, written with Richard Glaubman, is not the best book I've ever read---but I liked it. There are so many lessons to be learned from someone who didn't learn to read until age 98. Even his kids didn't know he couldn't read, until he revealed that "secret" to them during their teen years. Yet, all 7 of his children graduated not only from high school but also from college.
His "learning" began at the knee of his father. "Life is good." And with a grin he added. I do believe it's getting better." (Dawson, p. 4)
In his youth, witnessing a murder of an innocent black man, had Dawson asking himself, "Why am I still here?" and realizing the answer. "I am a witness to the truth. That's why I'm still here. I can't let the truth die with me." (Ibid, p. 45) That was Dawson's impetus to get the true story written down before it was his time to die.

Tho his continuing story didn't focus much on that incident, you understand it's impact on his life and his reticence around others, not of his race. From building levees on the Mississippi and driving railroad spikes to breaking horses in his hometown of Marshall, Texas, Mr. George Dawson continued to work hard, show respect for all people and champion learning for the youth in his GED classes. He was their inspiration.

Dawson had a deep knowledge that came from watching and listening. Even with a limited understanding of Watergate, he still showed a depth of understanding when he commented, "...maybe Richard Nixon just wanted something too much. He worked hard to get what he wanted and forgot the important things along the way." (Ibid, p. 217)

Summing up his philosophy, he answered a 5th grader's question who wanted to know what life was like. "Life ain't all good or all bad. It's full of everything." (p. 233)

I, however, appreciated his answer to an adult who asked if he was a "cup half-empty or half-full" kind of guy. "I see it as being enough, so it's just fine." (p. 238) So biblical! (Philippians 4:11-12)

If you liked Same Kind of Different as Me, you'll like this book.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

"Morning Quie-TEA-ude"

and to make it your ambition to lead a quiet life and attend to your own business...(1 Thessalonians 4:11, NASB)

No humming of air conditioners. No barking dogs. No lawn mowers or blowers. No chattering of people, just squirrels.
Quietness, broken only by the occasional honking of geese overhead and enriched by by a streaming fountain and chirping of birds at the feeders. Such serenity coupled with cool morning breezes and my quiet time accoutrements defines my Tea With Thee time on the patio. Bible. Prayer list. Journal.

Such a quiet life is enhanced by time alone with the Lord in the morning time.
A quiet life, begins anew every morning as the sun breaks once again
Tending to my own business begins with my attending to the Lord in the quietude of each new day. 
Qui-TEA-ude---that state of stillness, calmness, and quiet in both my person and my place--began this morning on the patio. May it continue throughout my day!

Friday, May 9, 2014

"migh-TEA to Almigh-TEA" : a transfer

Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,' says the LORD Almighty. (Zechariah 4:6, NIV)

“Have you ever had one of those days boys, have you ever had one of those days?  When nothing goes right from morning 'til night, have you ever had one of those days?" Those old Elvis (?) song lyrics whirred in my head recently. Did you ever......?

Have you ever felt crummy from the "get-go?" You awake feeling "down" and that feeling continues throughout the day. Edges of His Ways (April 26 entry)
No matter how hard I try---my (mental) strength gets me no where. I cannot change this mindset.
Carmichael's entry helped me understand why this is so.
It (trying in one's own psyche) is useless. Trying to feel different does not "touch" feelings. One can't even argue with self because feelings elude arguments.  In psychology 101, I learned that feelings follow action.
Prayer is an action.
But now, I pray let the power of the Lord be great..... (Numbers 14:17)
Turning to the Lord is an action.
Even waiting on Him is an action. Especially if patience is involved.

One chooses to turn and to wait on the Almighty.

Not my might but His.

The Almighty serves up a cuppa migh-TEA to everyone who turns to Him.
Almighty might!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

"Traves-TEAs vs. Nicie-TEAs"

demonstrating all expressions of humility, gentleness, and patience, accepting one another in love. (Ephesians 4:2, ISV)
My maternal grandmother cornered the market on nicieties. Not in finery or elegance, but in politeness. Politeness in every "manner of her life." 
That's it---manners. Good old fashioned manners. Rudeness not allowed.

My introduction to "proper" behavior came from watching Mama Davenport's lifestyle, along with my Emily Post Book of Etiquette, a high school graduation gift. She didn't have a book of etiquette, Mama just had the "Good Book." 
All those godly attributes from the "good book" are the nicieties she practiced every single day. Thinking of others. Putting others first.

Mama's nicieties left everyone in her path feeling, not only acknowledged, but fully appreciated. She didn't share her life in words or "posts." She embraced others in relationship. 

She would have had trouble with "tweeting" her every move and meal on Twitter. She would want to take the time to "ask after" others. 

Maybe that's the traves-TEA of our rampant epidemic of sharing----we don't "ask after" others.

This week's college graduation for a family member had me privy to an interesting comment. Mom, he's so nice. When he takes me to a restaurant, he leaves his iPhone in the car. Isn't that nice?

Nice indeed. A BIG cuppa nicie-TEA! Ah-h-h, it's nice to be nice!