Monday, February 17, 2025


The actual meandering took place last week but it took awhile for me to load the video.
OOPS--Video still to come! The sound is what calmed me on my most recent meandering.

Friday, February 14, 2025


Sometimes "bearing with one another in love" (Ephesians 4:2) 
can be the sweetest gift one can give;
To a needy loved one,
To a stranger, 
To a friend,
To a spouse of 56 years, 6 months & 5 days.

At our house, I am the recipient as hubby is more than my Uber, chief cook and bottle washer. He gives up his time to care for me.....even searching our town when I have a food hankering.
Think shortbread cookies.
Today, I get to look forward to homemade short bread cookie used to create a "Pink Cadillac" ice cream sandwich with soft-serve vanilla ice cream and homemade jam.Then frozen..... 
A pink and red delight for Valentine's Day.

Pink Cadillac, Voted Best in North Carolina for Ice Cream Sandwiches-YELP

The sweetest gift given by the "Sweetest Gift Giver" in NC.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025


I have "plopped" for prayer in many places!
The phone table at 2211 with a party line, though I'm not sure of many prayers in those early years.
Hospital rooms as I visited others. 
Homes and porches of many friends and funerals.
Church pews, as I attended weddings.
Fireside @ Camp Loucon, Lake Junaluska, Pinecrest and the Cove.

In Hungary it was in a field of sunflowers.
In Ukraine it was by the river at Kompas Park between sessions with kids.
In Antalya, Turkey it was on a sandy beach on the Mediterranean coast between speaking times at a Biblical conference under the guise, for safety, of a business leadership event.

In the mountains of Tlapia, Mexico, a cloth was over my head.
In Costa Rica it was on a train bench in the rain forest.
In Honolulu, Hawaii it was seated on boat ride to the USS Arizona with a snarky, pushy line-breaker. I had to pray for forgiveness for my attitude.
In my "Prayer Chair," in our Tennessee home, often occupied by a grand. 
During this season, with "final" move to NC, I can plop on a large prayer chair, stretch out on a bed, kneel on a floor pillow or stand and look out an eastern view of the mountains because this home has a "prayer room"....... A PERFECT PLOPPING PLACE!

 What a view for worship..... a worthy place to plop and pray for all those devoted to prayer. (Colossians 4:2)!

Saturday, February 8, 2025


Movement is important........think critical for me........ during this new season of building needed muscle mass.
Often that requires exploring new places to peak my interest.
Recently that required a drive to the boonies. "

There in the scrub of small trees and tall grasses were 8 important words for all to remember!

Thursday, February 6, 2025










Eternal thank you to the "Alpha and Omega....the One who was and is and is to come!" (Revelation 1:8)


Wednesday, February 5, 2025


Abide in the Lord (the vine) love one another.
Y'all-ianity--a community of believers. Folks who love one another "in Christ" 
Southern speak of sorts, created by Pastor Buddy. 
Y'all-ianity that rolls off the tongue and flows from the heart..
Fellowship beyond friendship!

Tuesday, February 4, 2025


Yesterday's mail included a card of prayer from a God Squad prayer warrior. She has been covering me in prayer for many years as different health issues, often rare ones, arise. I saw that most recent card again this morn on my prayer chair. Her inscription let me know she still prays for me. 
That's how she uses God's word to protect me; she covers me in prayer.  (Psalm 91:4)
Jesus, my intercessor, does the same. God, the Lord Almighty, My Maker and Comforter has "covered me" (and those who seek Him and pursue righteousness) with the shadow of His hand as His word reminds me in Isaiah 51:16.

Praises for being covered in prayer by God and His people.
Think being protected & enveloped in His Presence.
Wrapped in prayer like a gift. 
May I reciprocate----whether in health or weakness!

Saturday, February 1, 2025



Jesus + 0 = EVERYTHING!


Friday, January 31, 2025


For me, Friday finishes a week and leads into a "Serene Sabbath" weekend. 
Today it was also the wrap-up of a book given by a prayer warrior friend. 
A wrap-up of reflection. A fixing of our faith. 31 Days of Praise for the first 31 days of 2025.
Fixing our focus. Refocusing when necessary.
Faith fortified with praise.... gets us back on the "ramp of the freeway of faith." (p. 114)

Finish the week as you rest in God, delighting Him with your praises!

Finish the week, remembering--- 
"God inhabits the praises of His people." (Psalm 22:3)

Wednesday, January 29, 2025


Grammarians are often caught up in hand-wringing now-a-days as correct  spelling has gone out the window. Siri is in charge of spelling. Linguists are a rare breed and often looked down upon. (Oops did I just end that thought with a preposition. 

Though not a true linguist, I do have a fascination with words. As I age, I've struggled with some linguistic specifics. To aid this, I work on brevity of word phrases with linguistic clues:
Continued confession leads to constant cleansing!

ANAGRAMS---same letters in different positions to make new words
The direction in life one takes, even in spelling/reading, can remind him or her....of similar truths or complete opposites. Positional purpose.

in Christ to avoid EVIL!
The letters may be the same but the meanings are opposite when the order is different.

Keep Praying! Why?
Satan keeps preying!

Oh, the difference a vowel makes....esp. in one's spiritual life!

Pair these thoughts with Scripture and today "Think on these things" (Philippians 4:8) as you walkabout!*

*Hubby tries to get me outside each day. Daughter Molly joined us after my grammar discussion with her.......alliteratively confessing I needed to
Pitch the pouting and pick up the praises! 
They took me on a "Walk-a-bout Wednesday" which made Picking up Praise an easy switch!  
A flowing creek. Ice. Snow. Dried leaves and Moss. 
A true masterpiece of Creator God.

Monday, January 27, 2025


Struggles, whether physical or spiritual, can be used by the triune Lord to  teach life lessons. The Holy Spirit can guide other believers to bless and encourage steps toward refreshment and recovery regardless of whether steps are coming or going in a "struggle".
Recovery can take time but regardless of where one is in her pain, it helps to know she's not alone. God's Presence can often be easily seen when in fellowship with others. The reality of a "struggle" journey is easier when one realizes the journey is not taken alone.....but is under the care of Jesus and His followers as the Lord directs his steps. (Proverbs 16:9)

Saturday, January 25, 2025


Recalling last night's Lectio 365--a gift from Katya, my Ukrainian friend and sister in Christ............
May this Saturday short remain long in my heart!

Wednesday, January 22, 2025


COG---Most people think of COG as the abbreviation for Center Of Gravity.
Think "source of power." A power that provides moral or physical act. A will to act.
I was so intrigued by COG thoughts during my Wednesday Wordsmith quiet time, I looked up "cog" and even asked hubby to explain it to me.I became a bit more confused. My mind does that a lot lately. But God, in His love and mercy showed me the COG I needed to focus on during this season of my life. "Rouse yourself up and look to God." (MUFHH)
Concentrate on God. "Look unto Him."(Isaiah 45:22)
Motion occurs. Action is transmitted. A smooth interlocking. His Word to my thoughts!

My Utmost for His Highest (1/22) reminded me how difficult it can be to continue to concentrate on God. One must, Narrow all your interests (COG) until the attitude of mind, heart and body is concentrated of Jesus Christ. "Look Unto Me."

The important spiritual COG starts turning the minute one "looks unto Him", turns to Him and builds his/her hope in Him. (Isaiah 45)

Monday, January 20, 2025


Monday Musings from a Sunday Sermon.
Beginning our COLD, SNOWY Day with a bit of Hokey Pokey practice so we would be ready for a "Snowy Hokey Pokey" was a bit crazy......especially when we still get our left and right hand confused. We also trip a bit when we try to take our left foot out. Could be because there is a spiritual lesson there. It's okay to be "odd for God" to learn life lessons. (Pace McKee)

All of this to teach a youngster that in Christianity there is no Spiritual Hokey Pokey. it's not one foot in and one foot out. (Pace McKee)
It's ALL in for Jesus!

A good reminder for all of us.

May the Lord hear our WORSHIP from afar on this COLD, SNOWY day!

Thursday, January 16, 2025


Friendly reminder from folks who grew up @ FMC church in KY + a college chum who farms & who began her text with "thankful Thursday" for "said" Alumni Ave. neighbor's recovery.
All this to say, my pew sitting friend shared today's Upper Room verse.
Be merciful to me O God, be merciful to me, for in you, my soul takes refuge; in the shadow of your wings, I will take refuge, till the storms of destruction pass by.
Daddy modeled his faith for many years as he began his day, "grateful for every day the good Lord gave him," along with his time reading the daily devotional, "his" Upper Room
A quiet, gentle soul + a thankful heart!

Monday, January 13, 2025


Move forward in faith----not fear!

Medical fears! How can that be when I belong to the Great Physician?!

The fears I feel, in response to the growing impact of amyloidsstroke, and heart issues are not from Him!

2 Timothy 1:7  reminds me, He does not give the spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind. Not sure how much soundness is left in my mind......but God, is the One whom I trust even in the midst of these fluctuating medical issues, a "mess" of emotions, a "kaleidoscope of feelings." AKA fear.

Lord, this week I seek to exercise, sound mind----self- control, good & sound judgment, and wise discretion, no matter how I define it. Self-preservation needs to take a back seat to Your glory. I need to move forward in faith.

May I learn to handle my pain/fears with hope because I trust in you.

PLS--PLEASE & THANK YOU----for the power, love and self-discipline you have given me for this season.

Saturday, January 11, 2025


Do you want to be Without  Fear?
Don't let fear floor you!
Without  Fear = eyes off circumstances!

"Turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look full in His wonderful face that the things of this world will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace."

Floor the fear, today! Step on it!! Squash it!!!
Don't let it floor you!!

Wednesday, January 8, 2025


Drive Research reports that the average New Year's resolution lasts less than 4 months. What is key in persistence? 
Allen Bible Church in Allen, TX has the answer..........

...............Abide with the Lord and you will continue to abound in HIs purpose. A resolution with His purpose.

Resolve comes from Him, not self!

Monday, January 6, 2025


As I prepare for today's trip to new cardiologist, I need to cultivate new "heart habits"..........more spiritual than physical. Gratitude for a spouse who has become my "uber" to numerous medical centers in far away places. Acceptance of no longer driving.  
A heart habit of praise and worship! Lead me Lord in this new season of heartache......pain, fear and disappointments.
May I lean into the Most High and abide in His shadow.(Psalm 91:1) 

Help me, Almighty God, to abound in this new season regardless of the circumstances! 
A new year to abide and abound!

Saturday, January 4, 2025


James 1: 5 says "If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God...." 
As lacking wisdom is a devastating lack, God gives, without reproach to those who ask.

True wisdom comes from God's Word*....words of ink for our eyes--
that define truth and write wisdom on our hearts.

*# of times wisdom used in Bible depends on the version  
 One source gave 277 times in NKJ version. 

Friday, January 3, 2025

MY ONE WORD / 2025

MY ONE WORD FOR 2025.....can you guess it??
You're pretty wise if you can! Hint--It starts with a W!