Friday, February 14, 2025


Sometimes "bearing with one another in love" (Ephesians 4:2) 
can be the sweetest gift one can give;
To a needy loved one,
To a stranger, 
To a friend,
To a spouse of 56 years, 6 months & 5 days.

At our house, I am the recipient as hubby is more than my Uber, chief cook and bottle washer. He gives up his time to care for me.....even searching our town when I have a food hankering.
Think shortbread cookies.
Today, I get to look forward to homemade short bread cookie used to create a "Pink Cadillac" ice cream sandwich with soft-serve vanilla ice cream and homemade jam.Then frozen..... 
A pink and red delight for Valentine's Day.

Pink Cadillac, Voted Best in North Carolina for Ice Cream Sandwiches-YELP

The sweetest gift given by the "Sweetest Gift Giver" in NC.

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