COG---Most people think of COG as the abbreviation for Center Of Gravity.
Think "source of power." A power that provides moral or physical act. A will to act.
I was so intrigued by COG thoughts during my Wednesday Wordsmith quiet time, I looked up "cog" and even asked hubby to explain it to me.I became a bit more confused. My mind does that a lot lately. But God, in His love and mercy showed me the COG I needed to focus on during this season of my life. "Rouse yourself up and look to God." (MUFHH)
Concentrate on God. "Look unto Him."(Isaiah 45:22)
My Utmost for His Highest (1/22) reminded me how difficult it can be to continue to concentrate on God. One must, Narrow all your interests (COG) until the attitude of mind, heart and body is concentrated of Jesus Christ. "Look Unto Me."
The important spiritual COG starts turning the minute one "looks unto Him", turns to Him and builds his/her hope in Him. (Isaiah 45)
I love how HOPE shows up in His Word and on your posts. Just cause it’s a new year and you’ve got another word doesn’t mean there’s not still room for hope! Love you friend, Anne B