Thursday, June 10, 2021


Oh No! It's Thursday and I'm posting Wednesday's entry!! You would think after 2,500+ posts, I could get it right. Why did my brain, or lack there of, forget to tell my finger to press publish????Oh well day late post is below.

God winks, love notes from God . . . God's hand seen, no matter the idioms. If you have ever experienced one, you'll remember it. 
I know the above sentence including its . . . (ellipsis) will be viewed with skepticism and disbelief  by some folks--- God winks, how hokey is that! What's a love note from God???  
I also know the participants in my intercessory prayer time earlier in the week will "get it" because God provides . . . another's idea as a spring board to take new thoughts & prayers in a new, but related, direction.
So "filled with the spirit" as I drove home, I began seeing glimpses of God with me, even in the blinding rain that faded to a drizzle so I could get a snapshot at the stoplight....
Do you see it? Check out the top left.
The sign of the cross. At least that's what my eye took in>
Returning home I saw the Kentucky tag of the truck ahead. Underneath the state name was a phrase I love. . . 
"In God we trust."
A phrase that reminds me why I'm glad to be a Kentuckian by birth. 
More importantly I'm glad to be a child of the King, by rebirth, who shows me His very presence in unique ways throughout each day!

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