Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Li-TEA-rary Sentimentali-TEA

Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his faithful servants. (Psalm 116:15, NIV)
NASB renders faithful servants as His godly ones. The King James version calls them saints. Regardless of the translation, they all describe Claudia Parlow.
Today would have been her 70th birthday---August 12, 1944- November 30, 2013.
I know because my morning cuppa li-TEA-rary was sipped as I opened my devotional reading that was based on classic Christian verse. A gift from her, my literary loving friend.
Quickly my 2nd cuppa was filled with sentimentali-TEA as I read the inscription written above the August 12 entry. 
This cup is Claudia's. I baked brownies for her hubby, Terry, today and we shared both sadness and nostalgia as we remembered her past birthdays and celebrations.

"To Dotsy who's been a soulmate in suffering and prayer....." Love, Claudia. 
Both sadness and pleasure served in remembrance.

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