Thanks Aggie. Maybe someday I will get to meet you face to face!
Sunday, March 31, 2013
3/31/13 A great week approaching "Resurrection Day"---too bad Google only acknowledged today as Chavez's Birthday. But God.....showed me throughout this last week the ins and outs and joys of celebrations within the community of faith. What blessings I experienced!
Sara and Jeanette make every Wednesday night special for our own household of faith! |
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Homemade for Easter lunch in Batesville, MS using "passed down" cake forms, the best kind! |
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April in her Easter bonnet.... |
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"Beneath the cross of Jesus I fain would take my stand..." |
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Around the kitchen table with family for Easter lunch |
Saturday, March 30, 2013
3/30/13 As Theatre Works actors explored from the Jungle of Nool and McElligot's Pool to Solla Sollew and Whoville, the "mostly young" audience was enthralled by the simple set and the vivid characters of "Seussical the Musical."
But....along the way some great life lessons in kindness and friendship were shown, especially through Horton the Elephant and Gertrude McFuzz, a little bird with only one feather. Perseverance was taught as Horton KEPT looking for his friends on a small speck of dust as he searched over 1 million clover.
Dogged determination. Because...."A person's a person. No matter how small!
Dogged determination. Because...."A person's a person. No matter how small!
Horton's character traits of steadfast determination coupled with stamina and tenacity continue as he endures the duping of lazy Mayzie La Bird, ridicule of friends, attacks of hunters and horrid weather conditions.....because...."I meant what I said and I said what I meant. An elephant's faithful 100 per cent!"
What a great way to spend Friday night with 5 year old grandson, Owen and his 5 year old friend, Ashley, learning "positive" life lessons while having fun. I wonder if they heard all those "positives?
McElligot's Pool Residents |
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JoJo and the"small" Whos from Whoville |
Ashley and Owen's favorite part---the Cat in the Hat riding a tricycle! |
Horton faithfully "sitting on Mayzie's Egg while his "friends" make fun of him. |
Runaway Mayzie sees captured Horton who is still sitting on her egg after 51 weeks ---AND an "elephant-bird" is hatched. "True friend" Gertrude McFuzz agrees to help raise the baby. |
Friday, March 29, 2013
3/29/13 God speaks. He really does. The key to "hearing" from God is reading and studying the scriptures. Being in God's Word is paramount!
Last night as I worked on my Bible Study fellowship lesson, the following verses were given to compare. Genesis 35:13-14, Exodus 33:11, Deuteronomy 5:24, Ezekiel 3:22 and John 14:23-24. What was the common denominator? God speaking.
Of course it was!! Once again God confirmed to me that my blogging this week was where He wanted it to be! What an affirmation.
- Genesis 35:13--God spoke (talked, KJV) with Jacob and "Jacob set up a pillar in the place where he had spoken with him (God)
- Exodus 33:11--the Lord speaks to Moses face to face "as one speaks to a friend."
- Deuteronomy 5:24--Israelites hearing from Moses after God had given the "Ten Commandments"say, "we have seen today that God speaks with man, yet he lives."
- Ezekiel 3:22--To Ezekiel, God's prophet and watchman to the house of Israel; God said, "whenever you hear a word from My mouth," (v.17) warn them from Me. After E's obedience God said to him, “Get up, go out to the plain, and there I will speak to you.”
- John 14:23-24--Jesus' speaks in scripture the words of His Father that we might "hear" from God, "These words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me."
DId you "hear" those words in your head as you read them? Do you see it? God spoke to me through words of scripture as I studied "ahead of time" for Monday's BSF lesson knowing that Easter week-end, being mainly spent with family, would not allow me much extra "study" time. So timely. His timing. His words of affirmation, just when I needed them!
How about you? Is God speaking to you right now? If not, get into His word and give Him a chance. He won't disappoint. He'll clearly speak to you right where you are.
Thursday, March 28, 2013
More clari-TEA needed
3/28/13 Kitchen
table chat yesterday had JoLynn reminding me that hearing from God is a
spiritual communication. Neither of us have ever heard a “deep grandfatherly”
sounding voice speaking audibly to us---rather we have “heard” our own thoughts revealing truth from Him. The voice of the Lord seems to come to us in our own
thoughts. Like an impression, a nudge or a check. To me a “check in my
spirit” is like a mini-warning---a “better slow down and rethink that! If I don't have peace about
it---that’s my “check---I know I need to look at the options….until I hear the
voice of peace.
God wants us to “get to know my voice”, as John 10:4 states, his “sheep follow him because they know his voice.” Discerning His voice will take time and work---but it’s so worth it.
All of these
thoughts are mine alone--gleaned through experience, nothing more. God’s voice
might not come to others in this way.
"He who has an
ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches." (Rev 3:22, NIV)
Believers make up God’s church, so we need to “listen for His Spirit.
GOD’s WORD--In order to
actually “hear” from God we need to know about who God it. That helps us
determine His character, thus making it easier to discern His voice. The Bible,
God’s Word, is the only true source for that information. Too often folks see God
as what they want Him to be or as culture labels Him to be. Those views can
impair one’s “hearing.”
use other people to “speak” His truth to us and offer godly counsel. He can use
anyone BUT it’s safer to be lead by other believers. How can one even discern a
true believer?
The Spirit itself
beareth witness with (testifies to) our spirit, that we are the children of
God: (Romans 8:16) That spirit is recognizable in others---it’s how we
recognize ourselves and others as God’s children.
uses these BIG time in my life. My cancer journey taught me lessons in
forgiveness and trust. All were from Him---without me ever “hearing” an audible
Circumstances, advice
from others, nudges. How do I know
they are from Him. Every “message” needs to be filtered through His word. Does
it align with scripture? Does it promote His purpose by glorifying Him? The
Bible is our most important tool in hearing God’s voice. His Word is like our policy
and procedure manual.
God wants us to “get to know my voice”, as John 10:4 states, his “sheep follow him because they know his voice.” Discerning His voice will take time and work---but it’s so worth it.
Praying for my readers
today that God will “pour out clari-TEA” on this topic.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
clariTEA---much is needed to concisely and accurately answer the
question, “How does one hear God’s voice?” One will need to “sip” along with me
these next few days in order to “strain” out the truth. A big gulp, all at once,
could be “too hard to swallow.”
- Examine your heart. Ask, “Do I really want to hear what God has to say to me?”
- Examine your mind. “Do I have God’s Word implanted there?” If not, ask self “Am I willing to do the work and study the scriptures?”
If those answers are yes, then start here.
Examine surroundings---are they conducive to listening---not just
hearing but really listening? A busy lifestyle isn’t very conducive to hearing
God’s voice---though He can “speak” anytime, anyplace.
Monday night at BSF, Sally Jones shared an acronym for “busy.”
B eing
U nder
S atan’s
Y oke
Busy-ness is what keeps us there in that wrong place---“yoked to the
ways of the world.”
Psa. 46:10 might be a good place to start to “tune” our spiritual ears
to hear the voice of God. Stillness in one’s spirit is more conducive to
hearing Him speak in that “still, small voice” as He did to Elijah. (1 Kings
19:12, KJV)
But, the stage was set for Elijah to hear so as to listen. There was a
need. He was zealous for the Lord. He was alone. Elijah was willing to go out
and stand “in the presence of the Lord.”
Then God spoke to Elijah---after the great wind that tore mountains
apart and the earthquake and the fire---“in a gentle whisper.” (I Kings
One must pray for clarity (our clariTEA) as God’s word is read.
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
3/26/13 Seeing God's Hand Column"disappeared"---couldn't undo---last 2 posts wouldn't work so I tried to delete 2012 entires, thinking it was memory problem. Now, nothing is left. Some saved from this year, I hope. But God....maybe He's scaling me back. Was His voice "speaking" thru this incident with my computer? Now there's a great question. Just NOT sure of the answer. I do know God can speak thru circumstances.
Maybe my "techie" Molly can help.
3/25/13 Corey's gift, an Easter CD w/ Fernando
Ortega's, "I Will Sing of my Redeemer" on it!! Love it----I met
Fernando in Nov. at "The Cove."
/26/13 Gift from girls at the Neighborhood
Christian School (and their Miss Nancy) which enhanced my morning cuppa with a
bit of Dove chocolate.3
3/26/13 The stage is set. A steaming "cuppa" of a full-bodied assam, brewed from loose tea, in my Aubry/Susan teacup, "Positively Easter" CD playing (gift from thoughtful son-in-law, Corey) and an open Bible.
A "cuppa," Corey's CD & My special teacup & open Bible on my lap"set" with specific intention---hearing from God. |
Why this setting? My time with the Lord today is purposeful so I have consciously (intentionally) "set" the stage to prepare my heart to hear His answer to my question.
The question isn't really mine. The question comes from one of my lovely Ukrainian ladies. "How do I hear God's voice? How do I "hear" Him like you do?
That question can be difficult to answer in any setting. But.....when the answer will be translated in part to both Russian and Ukrainian. I need conciseness. I need clarity. I need God's answer.
I probably need a whole tea pot of intentionali-TEA to keep me focused.
I have set the LORD continually before me; Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. (Psalm 16:8)
intentionaliTEA (умисний чай)---I hope it works for me today!
Psalm 16:8,
Monday, March 25, 2013
WOW Factor in Meditation
3/25/13 Just finished Anne Lamott's, Help, Thanks, Wow--the three essentials of prayers and though I don't always agree with her "theology," that gal has a way with words. Pastor Cole alluded to her book title in yesterday's Palm Sunday message during our "Festival of Praise." He concludes that "praise" is the "wow" of prayer. He quoted C.S. Lewis, definition of praise. Praise is inner health made audible.
So.....this week's meditation will be on "praise" verses. Verses which for me are easy to find in my "old" Bible because they are marked in purple, per Kay Arthur's instruction in the first Bible Study I ever attended.
Sing to the Lord a new song,.....for he has done marvelous things; Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all the earth: make a loud noise, and rejoice, and sing praise. (Psalm 98:1 & 4, KJV)
So.....this week's meditation will be on "praise" verses. Verses which for me are easy to find in my "old" Bible because they are marked in purple, per Kay Arthur's instruction in the first Bible Study I ever attended.
Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord. (Psalm 150:6, KJV)
Praise the Lord, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name.
Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits
who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases,
who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion,
who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s (Psalm 103:1-5, NIV)
In KJV, word "bless," translation is used---but as applied to God, bless means to praise, implying a strong love & affection for him as well as a sense of gratitude. It's the chosen translation for "10,000 Reasons" song (Matt Redman) so naturally I love that version too!
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A Mom and her special needs son join in the WOW of worship |
Sing to the Lord a new song,.....for he has done marvelous things; Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all the earth: make a loud noise, and rejoice, and sing praise. (Psalm 98:1 & 4, KJV)
The entire service was full of the WOW of praise---from scripture readings to songs. A "wow" factor that has me continuing to meditate praise worthy scriptures.
Sunday, March 24, 2013
3/24/13 Florals.....along with some topiaries and live oaks "dripping" with Spanish moss. It was the 20th year of the Epcot Flower and Garden Festival. A visual feast for us at Disney World.
Disney's favorite couple w/ Goofy holding the 20th (floral) cake. |
My favorite couple! |
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A reminder of Beth, who has a "knack" for creative gardening. |
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Who doesn't love Lady and Tramp! |
"MATER"--the boys favorite floral design! |
All things bright and beautiful.......,
The Lord God made them all.
The Lord God made them all.
Each little flower that opens, .....
The river running by,.............
The ripe fruits in the garden,
He made them every one..............
The tall trees in the greenwood,
He gave us eyes to see them,
And lips that we might tell,
How great is God Almighty,
Who has made all things well.
(Excerpts from Maker of Heaven and Earth by Cecil F. Alexander)
And lips that we might tell,
How great is God Almighty,
Who has made all things well.
(Excerpts from Maker of Heaven and Earth by Cecil F. Alexander)
Friday, March 22, 2013
Pie Day Confession
3/22/13 "Pie Day".......not Pi Day 3/14 or National Pie Day 1/23)---not even like the Thursdays of old when Molly and I baked pies to take to folks who could use a lift. No....this is an I could "eat a whole pie" kind of day. I'm a pie kind of gal. I do like a good caramel cake (for the icing) and a coconut cake but given my "druthers," I would choose pie. Today was filled with a few self imposed deadlines as well as calorie counting for hubby and trying to "eat" well for both of us. That's all it takes---thinking I'm going to be deprived, I crave something sweet to eat----hence the desire to eat an entire pie.
Last week's drive home from Disney World had us stopping in New Albany, MS at Sugarees Bakery---to buy a chocolate meringue pie, made with 1 lb. of pastry, 3 lbs. of chocolate filling and 1 lb. of meringue. Now that's what I'm talkin' about!
A pie you can sink your entire mouth into---while "sinking" your entire weight plan. But....they also have a smaller one. Hm-m-m- is it worth the drive?? Probably not---but the memory is sure "sweet."
This entry is in no way spiritual unless the old adage, "confession is good for the soul" is true in a bakery!
This entry is in no way spiritual unless the old adage, "confession is good for the soul" is true in a bakery!
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
3/20/13 HOOP-DEE-DOO--great words to describe our time at Disney World last week. Thanks to YaYa & Poppy for the ONLY picture that has all of us in it. Such a happy bunch!
No greater joy ---I have no greater joy than this, to hear of my children walking in the truth. (3 John 1:4) Living it out in their daily walk, practicing patience and kindness throughout a whirlwind vacation!
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
3/19/13 Fast Passes were available for us at all the "biggie" rides at Disney World last week. They enabled us to avoid waiting, to skip the unpleasantness of long lines, which are so undesirable when you have young children in tow. Too bad such passes aren't available for us as we navigate thru life. At least in our "human" thinking that seems desirable. But more concerned with our character than our comfort.
Streams in the Desert's entry (3/19*) clearly points out the "necessity of waiting" in the spiritual realm.
Many hours of waiting were necessary to enrich
David's harp with song. And hours of waiting in the
wilderness will provide us with psalms of
"thanksgiving, and the sound of singing," (Isaiah 51:3)
The hearts of the discouraged here below will be lifted
and joy will be brought to our Father's heavenly home.
Waiting---whether in a line or in another unpleasant or hard discouraging place can be an "exercise" in dependence on Him. Waiting and discomfort can increase both our capacity for "suffering" and sensitivities to others.
No fast passes needed---just Him.
*Thanks to JoLynn for the "Streams" rec this morn--
On-line entry is 8/27 & underlines are mine.
On-line entry is 8/27 & underlines are mine.
Monday, March 18, 2013
Purpose of Meditation
3/18/13 Putting God's words in my mind is the purpose of meditation for me. When I have His words at the forefront of my "thinking," spiritual understanding begins to not only take root but begins to dispel those other thoughts. The inappropriate ones.
In my January BSF notes I had jotted down Charlie Brown's resolution, 'to only "dread"one day at a time.' I can relate to good ole Charlie Brown, because throughout my life, I have had to fight that ugly monster of dread. It used to rear its ugly head way too often. Being retired has helped me as retirement has provided more time for meditation. In the book of Joshua (verse 8) "meditating day and night" on the book of the law is encouraged. That is not without reason. Meditation helps quell the "dread."----at least for me it does.
Discouragement can be a seedbed for dread. Thus, this weeks verse is a reminder for my thoughts not to linger there. I don't want any new "dread" popping up.
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”(Joshua 1:9)
That's my purpose for this week's meditation. What's yours?
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Saturday, March 16, 2013
3/16/13 From the rising of the sun at Port Orleans Riverside---which was 2 hours earlier than we were used to in Central Standard Time coupled with Daylight Saving Time---to the setting of the sun in the parks, each day was a treasure trove of memories.
I am so-o-o grateful of all the blessings and memories that were bestowed upon us! We had fun even in the snafus, wet rides, spilt milk, delayed flights and cat lurking on the balcony!
Great trip for all!
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Sunrise over the lake at Port Orleans Riverside in Alligator Bayou. |
Sunset at Epcot |
Great trip for all!
Thursday, March 14, 2013
3/14/13 THE COUNTDOWN IS ON----& IT'S IN HOURS NOW........
Though the goal of the trip has been to enjoy the moments and the rides and shows we see rather than trying to do it all, today the "push" seems great to catch the ones we missed earlier in the week---Indiana Jones, Lights! Motors! Action! car stunts show. Re-do for favorites like Rock"n" Roller coaster for the big guys and Toy Story for everyone also became part of "our" plan.
It was a good thing that we remembered our original goal because as we grandmothers rushed thru the gate with little ones in the stroller and another tagging alongside, to Toy Story, we got there in time to be told that the ride was broken. The verse that came to my mind was Proverbs 16:9. A reminder of who is in charge.
Though the goal of the trip has been to enjoy the moments and the rides and shows we see rather than trying to do it all, today the "push" seems great to catch the ones we missed earlier in the week---Indiana Jones, Lights! Motors! Action! car stunts show. Re-do for favorites like Rock"n" Roller coaster for the big guys and Toy Story for everyone also became part of "our" plan.
It was a good thing that we remembered our original goal because as we grandmothers rushed thru the gate with little ones in the stroller and another tagging alongside, to Toy Story, we got there in time to be told that the ride was broken. The verse that came to my mind was Proverbs 16:9. A reminder of who is in charge.
”A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.”
Disappointing and difficult to explain to little ones. Life lessons can be hard but can also offer great opportunities for modeling. So, we got fast passes---just in case the ride was fixed before our time at the park was over. Then, we got our faces painted bright red on our last day!
Monday, March 11, 2013
"Mouse Moments" Meditation
3/11/13 Disney World is good at teaching you to savor each moment. Scripture also teaches us to savor our moments because life is fleeting. As Ecclesiastes 6:12 reminds us---we pass through life "like a shadow." So....make the most of those moments that God gives.
This is what I have observed to be good: that it is appropriate for a person to eat, to drink and to find satisfaction in their toilsome labor under the sun during the few days of life God has given them—for this is their lot. Moreover, when God gives someone wealth and possessions, and the ability to enjoy them, to accept their lot and be happy in their toil—this is a gift of God. They seldom reflect on the days of their life, because God keeps them occupied with gladness of heart. (Ecclesiastes 5:18-20)
My "Mouse Moments"this week---reflecting on the week with family as a gift from God---and enjoying each of those moments to the fullest.
Sunday, March 10, 2013
3/10/13 Magical memories began yesterday in Mount Dora, FL as we had lunch yesterday with the Henize family---great friends and Sam and JoLynn's relatives. The Disney "magic" began today with a character breakfast and a full day in "Hollywood." From Toy Story to Rock "N" Roller Coaster and tower of Terror, all who were willing and able, did it all.
Grandchildren are the crowning glory of the aged; parents are the pride of their children. (Proverbs 17:6) We certainly experienced that as we captured the "magic" of building family memories!
"Delish" alfresco lunch at Henize's home |
Fast Passes helped us bypass waiting in long lines. Andrew has best view--in Daddy's arms. |
Owen discovers his "Murphy bed." |
Character breakfast had Mickey Mouse-shaped waffles & any thing else you could ever eat! |
Phineas & Ferb lined up the cousins and then jockeyed for their own position as the tallest of the line. Andrew was asleep in the stroller
Friday, March 8, 2013
3/8/13 All packed! 4-Runner LOADED!
Reservations made. Atlas in pouch. GPS loaded. WDW apps downloaded. SNACKS!!
We leave today for the "magical" world of Disney. Joyfully expectant to watch 6 boys, ages 2-11 experience the "magic" themselves.
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Even our Kleenex for the car has on its "ears" |
Figuratively my "mouse ears" are on! I am ready to live moment by moment. Going with the flow. Savoring each tidbit of joy along the way. Releasing expectations of doing it all. Instead, celebrating ALL that we do. That for me would be "magical." Such thinking, my friends, is the "mouse ears" mentality!
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Purposeful Pursuit continues....
3/7/13.......for His purpose and my purpose.
Purpose's® purpose is clearly spelled out by its maker----right there on the label. I would like my "purpose" shown that clearly by my Maker. I do desire His purpose for my life but maybe I want too many specifics, like one would find on a printed label.
My Purpose® moisturizer has sat in my "beauty basket" for many years. It's my "go to" moisturizer. I know it's simple purpose in my life and it serves me well. Daily usage leaves my leaves my skin feeling refreshed and moisturized----plus, it has added benefit of SPF 15 sunscreen.
Pondering this all week, I have reread Psalm 117 (shortest of the psalms) and concur with David Ginn that God's purpose seems to be that He should be praised by all the nations.
Praise the Lord, all you nations;
extol him, all you peoples.
For great is his love toward us,
and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever.
Praise the Lord.
His purpose is shown in scripture and the same can be said for His desired purpose for all Christians who desire godly, purposeful living.
As I continue in my purposeful pursuit, I will keep the Westminster Catechism at the forefront of my scripture search realizing that chief end and purpose are synonymous .
Man’s chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever.
The Word of God, which is contained in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, is the only rule to direct us how we may glorify and enjoy him. (Westminster Shorter Catechism, Q 1, Q 2)
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Life Stories: worthy of an eternal sequel
3/6/13 Everyone loves a good story---young and old alike.
Solomon warns readers that the "writing of many books is endless, and excessive devotion to books is wearying to the body." (Ecclesiastes 12:12)
Our own lives have one story in two locations. Our spiritual stories---one this side of heaven---our "here and now" moments to savor and our "sequel" will be that added bonus. When our earthly life has been lived according to God's purpose, our "sequel" will include eternity with Him.
A good book captivates the very young..... |
....and books continue to captivate us as we age (gracefully) |
Solomon warns readers that the "writing of many books is endless, and excessive devotion to books is wearying to the body." (Ecclesiastes 12:12)
As my 20 year old sweatshirt says, "So Many Books, So Little Time."
I take that to mean that with so many books "out there" in print, that quality selection becomes very important. I have just finished reading a good one, one worthy of my precious limited time. And glory of glories, there's a sequel, which, so far, is proving to be even better than that first---because it's a continuation of what was already a good story. For avid readers, a sequel to a good book is an added bonus.
I take that to mean that with so many books "out there" in print, that quality selection becomes very important. I have just finished reading a good one, one worthy of my precious limited time. And glory of glories, there's a sequel, which, so far, is proving to be even better than that first---because it's a continuation of what was already a good story. For avid readers, a sequel to a good book is an added bonus.
Thanks to Holly, a fellow booklover, for sharing Swan House, and Beth who shared her copy of it's sequel, The Dwelling Place. |
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Purpose of Friendship
3/5/13 What is the purpose of establishing friendships on an international spectrum?
Bridges built. Language barriers broken down. Kindnesses given and reciprocated. Fascinating backgrounds shared. Unique experiences of those from another culture but with a like-minded approach to the gospel of God.
All these aspects of friendship I witnessed yesterday at a playground.
Five year old Owen honestly asked, "Why do they talk weird?" I acknowledged that they were speaking Russian and Ukrainian but they had also learned to speak English so they could speak to him as well. Owen replied, "Then I"ll learn to speak English too!"
In the providence of God, it is no accident when our paths cross with internationals. All such meetings bring opportunity for acceptance of new and fresh cultural perspectives. We are so-o-o much more alike than we are different..........For God pours out His Spirit upon all mankind (Acts 2:17)
Maybe more world leaders should participate in dialogue on a playground rather than in a conference center. The perspectives are certainly fresher there and the prospects of friendship probably much greater!
Monday, March 4, 2013
Purposeful Meditation
3/4/13 Part of my morning was spent in prayer and meditation of Psalm 30 with my "prayer for revival" group. The purpose this morning was also to pray over and encourage one of our own missionaries, who is the daughter of Sharon, one of our long time faithful prayer warriors.
What a special time of prayer with a purpose---following a time of purposeful meditation. That's the purpose of our meditation on scripture---to lead us into rich times of prayer.
Psalm 30, shares praise as David declares what God had done on his behalf. David cried out. God heard him. God drew him out. Such declaration leads to much praise. Much praise leads to a grateful heart.
Hear, O Lord, and be gracious to me;
O Lord, be my helper.” You have turned for me my mourning into dancing;
You have loosed my sackcloth and girded me with gladness,
That my soul may sing praise to You and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give thanks to You forever. (Psalm 30:10-12)
These final verses reflect that praise but the entire psalm is worthy of meditation, purposeful meditation, that is.
Sunday, March 3, 2013
3/3/13 "In like a lion" certainly described these first few days of March throughout our nation. What a week of crazy temps and other weather
phenomenon---from sun to snow we've had it all here in the mid-south. "So Memphis." I, for one, tend to enjoy diversity of weather though walking in sleet and snow was a little difficult as I struggled to reach my "40 days of walking" goal.
In like..."the Lion of Judah" also describes the variety of churches and missionaries who came to our church to share "worship in spirit and in truth" (John 4:24) of the One who is the Lion of Judah. (Revelation 5:5)
Snow falling (lightly) on redbuds, just down the street..... |
Sleet falling on the hawthorn berries....during my "brisk walk" |
Missionary children of friends from "my" beloved Ukraine |
Hymns sung in Swahili by kids in our GodSong choir |
In like a lion,
John 4:24,
Lion of Judah,
March weather,
Revelation 5:5
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