Wednesday, January 9, 2013


1/9/13 Until this past Sunday’s sermon, (1/13/13) I had never heard of a Thomas Jefferson Bible. According to our pastor, Jefferson created his own gospel theology by removing from his own Bible the parts he didn’t agree with, especially the “miracles.” He obviously used something sharp, maybe scissors, to cut out parts he didn’t agree with and just pasted them on blank paper. It was a pasting up his own account of Christ’s philosophy. Jefferson's own cut and paste theology. It allowed God’s Word to fit Jefferson’s own inclinations. If it didn’t fit, out it went.

As you read with mouth agape, don’t lord yourself as “holier than thou” over Mr. Jefferson. Instead, ask your self how many times you, too, have wanted to “pick and choose” the parts of the Bible that you agree with and then dismiss all the rest.

Jefferson’s version created a God who would never do what Jefferson could not explain, such as a miracle. His cut and paste gave him a god who would not say “no” to Jefferson’s own wants and will.

A cut and paste god is NOT as big as the one true God of the one true Bible. (Psalm 33:4)

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