Monday, October 22, 2012

Monday thinking

10/22/12 Sometimes scripture can start us thinking about our own impact on others---both good and not so good. 

Tonight’s BSF lesson leader, Cathy C. shared such insight from Genesis chapter 5, which is somewhat a long list of generations. A quick scan would show that death comes to all men---“then he died” being the common refrain. A sobering reminder as this window sign reminds us. 

But Cathy didn’t stop there. Thank goodness. She gave us great faith truths, both comforting and challenging, from God’s word.  Then, she gave us an illustration of a recent class assignment she had given her 11th graders.
"Use 6 words to write a biographical sentence about yourself." A tough assignment for any of us.
She then gave examples of 3 Old Testament men who stood out because of their faith. It was easy to give a 6 word bio, from scripture, about each of them. Six words in a sentence that accurately depicted the truth about their lives and in one case the impact on others.
Enosh (Gen. 4:26) Enosh called upon the Lord’s name.
Enoch (Gen. 5:22 & 24) Enoch walked closely with the Lord.
Noah (Genesis 5:29) Noah comforted others in the Lord.

Think about your own bio.

What 6 words would describe you and what was important in your life? 
Would any of those words indicate a positive impact on others?

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