While sipping and savoring, my mind went back to childhood days and Mother. Mother, who served us all hot tea. Mother who kept a "spic and span" house. Mother who used a particular brand of furniture polish----Liquid Gold. It's claim was to restore, enhance and replenish. She liked it for the shine it left on her the wood furniture and bannisters.
Mother and Christine, our across the street neighbor, who shared housekeeping tips through lots of years. Christine, who gave me a book called Apples of Gold. What a fitting book that was for me, at age 14, as I entered high school and needed guidance on relationships during that transition period. What I could give others, that would refresh their lives or replenish their drained emotions, as they too, walked those scary halls as freshman, came from that little gold covered book. Words. Fitting Words. Apples of Gold. Words that can leave a shine, not a scar.
Memories that had me thinking----are my words to others gifts? A Liquid Gold of encouragment?
An apt word to give a lift? What gift of words can I give that would bring a shine to someone else?
A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver. (Proverbs 25:11)
A "cuppa" with a proverb to match---a double dose of liquid gold.
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