Saturday, February 25, 2012

BOOK BYTES---Bits and Pieces from my current read…..

2/25/12  ….Sanctuary of the Soul: Journey into Meditative Prayer, by Richard J. Foster.
The book....
This book accompanied me on my “retreat” week ---and influenced my desire for that still listening silence that can be difficult for me, especially in the midst of the “dailies” of life---even retired life.
This glimpse at the notes are there to whet your appetite for more of this book or just to use parts you can apply to your own prayer times. It is in no way an exhaustive commentary on this Richard Foster Book. Part of this disclaimer as well as his is that no one method works for everyone---if you desire to hear God’s voice

Inner sanctuary of the Heart---spiritual space
Meditative prayer opens door to heart---soul of that inner sanctuary
Divine Whispers---inward prayer filled listening—an interior knowing

1-2-3s of Worship (my label for his “group retreat” type experience)
  • Center down---let go of all distractions & feelings 
  • Be gathered in---into the power of God who can blend spirits and hearts together 
  • Attend ---to the Holy spirit’s guidance, not running ahead (my enthusiasm to run ahead would be a “no-no”) nor lagging behind---be fully present/ silence mind from meandering thoughts & silence mouth of many words.

....the notes

3 steps to Meditative Prayer    

 I.   RECOLLECTION—“attempted meditation” will be indeed a time of warfare (E. Underhill’s quote on p. 62 ) very eloquently describes this & more) /Romano Guardini states---meditation is not easy. Unrest redoubles in intensity (similar to folks trying to sleep at night when cares of world enter head with a force they do not possess during the daylight hours. (my paraphrase)
p. 63 “Give up the need to watch out for number one because we have One who is watching out for us.”

II.            BEHOLDING THE LORD--inward steady gaze of the heart upon God, the divine Center
Richard Rolle (14th C) “interior sweetness…spiritual flame that fed into his soul
Madame Jeanne Guyon (1685) p. 69. Guyon used scripture to quiet her mind but once in His Presence she says, “now hold your heart in God’s Presence”---by faith this can be done. Wait before Him. Turn all your attention toward your Spirit---Lord’s found within your spirit---in recesses of your being---this is where He dwells---continue to discipline mind to be quiet before the Lord---allow mind to rest…
If all this seems too hard Foster gave ways to “crack open the door to His Presence.

III.            PRAYER OF LISTENING---part of great interest t me---deals w/ discerning God’s voice---no formula given but scripture (Phil. 4:8) to understand that those nudges are from Him----the whispers of God---might lead us to simple acts of service and kindness---Portable sanctuary w/ Brother Lawrence (The Practice of the Presence of God)
Where is sanctuary? One possibility = Portable sanctuary, as answered at end of book along w/ more questions---“we are a portable sanctuary and by the power of God we can sanctify all places for meditation. (my THOTS--- Yes, but for me some places are more conducive, a place that draws me regularly)

So much more (including  list of resource books and an examples of Foster's forays into the experience)---but that’s your bits and pieces.  I would offer to share my book but I got it at my local library. Imagine that! It’s due March 1---so then it will be up for grabs.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Dotsy, for these reminders to seek God in the quietness of His presence. Are you acquainted with Brad Jersak's "Canyouhearme?" ("Tuning in to the God who speaks") and his wife Eden's "Rivers from Eden" ("40 Days of intimate conversation with God')?
