11/19/11 "Fix-it" mentaliTEA is a cuppa that I consume far too frequently. Frankly, it wears me out. Basically others, more often than not, don't seem to fully appreciate this "helping" aspect of my personality. Lately my cuppa has been filled to capacity with my "make it all better" philosophy... spilling over and making a mess. Is this really just an ailment, a disease to please and take away pain of others?
I grieve over things I can not fix, especially for loved ones....feeling like I should be able to at least help in some way, more prayer, more $, more time.
This morning as I sipped my cuppa,* I read, "I call on You, O God for You will answer me and hear my prayer." PTL (Praise the Lord) who can take care of everyone and all situations w/o my help/interference. I just need to pray. (my marginalia) A reminder to stop "overhelping" and begin accepting and enjoying.
I need to acknowledge each situation or need without immediately jumping in to "fix-it."
(Conversation with self) Pour out that cuppa of "fix-it" tea. Brew a fresh cup of a milder, decaffienated sensitiviTEA. Stir in a little godly discernment. Step back and allow God to work.
Leave the results to God, Dotsy!
*BTW my morning cuppa (pictured) was pretty good---a St. Dalfour (France) organic darjeeling.
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