Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Dotsy Tech Delays & Dilemmas

7/20/11 computer probs---will post as I have access---
There is no trouble so great or grave that it cannot be much diminished by a nice cup of tea. (Bernard Paul Heroux)
Normally I would agree with Mr. Heroux, whoever he is, but right now it would take the whole pot of tea and a side of Alleve, or some such drug to ease the tension of the in and out, off and on problems of our Comcast connections! It has me tense and that tension is spilling over big time to hubby because account is in his name and I want it FIXED----like yesterday or before.

How spiritual does that sound! Can you tell I have been reading two books and taking copious notes on the the thankful heart and transformation of grace in our lives when we have the right focus----God's viewpoint, specifically. I must have spiritual Alzheimer's. How quickly I'm forgetting these truths.

Here I was thinking that stress would no longer be the word that punctuated my thought life now that I am not working. Yet, this unreliable access to the internet has me stressed. E-mails going unanswered might send the wrong message, some e-mails needing to be written seem EXTREMELY important. Coupons need to be printed before they expire. I need to send the "work day" pics to church for a newsletter. A prayer letter with scripture references for our friends' mission trip had to be typed out because was inaccessible,etc.

"In His presence is fulness of joy." (Psalm 16:11) Even sitting all knotted up in front of this computer, I need to get a spiritual grip! What gets me to that joy is seeing His goodness---even in the midst of technology snafus. I need a gratitude check right now----grateful I have a computer, grateful that (at this moment) green light (for on-line) is blinking. Grateful hubby had a cell so we could call Comcast when service went down. Grateful hubby was willing to wait on "hold" for a long time. Grateful hubby didn't tell me to "take a hike" when I said, I HAVE TO BLOG!

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