Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Living Expectantly, even in waiting

Wordsmith Bernie's slug mail enclosure was a timely delivery.
It was an affirmation of yesterday's Blue Skies blog THOTS (Trusting Him On This Subject) 
Joy and suffering can both be a part of the equation of life, existing side by side. 

Taken from INTOUCH 3/26 devotional these "gems" jumped out at me. 
  • .....letter from a friend struggling between the already but not yet. (Hm-m-m, "not yet" sounds like waiting to me. Dotsy) 
  • “All I can do,” he wrote, “is live each moment as it comes and be aware of God in it.” His conclusion: “I want to let struggle, grief, and hurt exist side by side with joy, peace, and hope.” 
  • It may not be easy to live expectantly between present and future realities, but I believe it’s the best approach. A mom grieving the death of her son explained, “I’m discovering how grief and hope dance together, often exchanging the lead. Yet without Christ’s sacrifice, there would be no hope—and what a cruel dance that would be.” (emphasis mine)
Now, that’s living expectantly and a great adverb for waiting----my toes are tapping expectantly as I type!

Tuesday, March 29, 2016


Blue skies, nothing but blue skies----isn't that what most of us want---everyday. 
Just listen to your favorite nighttime TV meteorologist bemoaning the rain ahead and celebrating the next chance for sunshine and blues skies.

Ella Fitgerald could certainly "belt out" the beauty of love in one's heart making everything go so right, metaphorically equating it with blue skies.

Blue skies smilin' at me
Nothin' but blue skies do I see
Bluebirds singin' a song
Nothin' but bluebirds all day long
Never saw the sun shinin' so bright

Never saw things goin' so right

Then, Tony Bennet would teach us to "put on"  a happy face. Is "putting on" a metaphor for masking the heart's condition.

Gray skies are gonna clear up
Put on a happy face
Brush off the clouds and cheer up
Put on a happy face

As much as I appreciate the voices of both, the lyrics of neither are quite correct. 
Circumstances in life are not necessarily "either-or" conditions. There is more to life than the exclusive division between only the two alternatives, just as grief and joy are not mutually exclusive. Even in the hard places of life, those gray skies, joy can be found because of Him who loved us. We don't have to put on a mask.

But God in His word teaches, that regardless of the circumstances---blue skies or gray skies, He, by His love, has mades us more than conquerors. (Romans 8:37)

Enjoy today's blue skies because tomorrow the rain is coming----but it can be enjoyed as well, because we know Him who sent it.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Thought Provoking EASTER GREETINGS

Philippians 4:8 is always thought provoking. This Easter card was a shared reminder from high school/college chum, Joyce Ann.
A verse memorized years ago. In the past. 
A verse shared this week on a "Mindful" blog entry. In the present.
A verse to continue with me in the future as I strive to fill my mind with positive pondering.
Attributes, from Scripture,  worthy of provoking in one's thought life. In the future.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Waiting---adverbial directions

Waiting is not static. In the spiritual realm waiting is a time of expectancy. Waiting expectantly is the psalmist's adverbial rendering.
In the morning, LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly. NIV (Psalm 5:3) 

As Andrew Murray puts it, "Christians do not know.....the unspeakable blessedness of continually waiting on God." (Waiting on God, p. 13) 

Continually. Uninterrupted. A constant in my life. Not just this specific time of waiting for emotional, physical and possible medical directions. 

Patiently. An adverb that is not in my adverbial repertoire when it comes to waiting. 

I waited patiently for the LORD; he turned to me and heard my cry. (Psalm 40:1)
I want a new song --Now---actually yesterday.  (Psalm 40:3)

So you, by the help of your God, return, hold fast to love and justice, and wait continually for your God. ESV Always is an appropriate waiting adverb too. God's Word translation says, "always wait with hope for your God." Love the propositional phrase that emphasizes how to wait---with hope. (Hosea 12:6)
Waiting, with adverbial directions-----and prepositional hope!
Waiting on God----but without GRAMMATICAL GAFFES, I hope! After all, it's Wordsmith Wednesday!

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Passing Time While Waiting

Can't waiting be more than just "whiling away the hours?"

Spending time at West Clinic today as I waited for a friend's radiation treatment to "finish up," I picked up a book, to "finish up" my morning read.  Roger Rosenblatt's, making toast, "a painfully beautiful people die out of order." (E.L. Doctorow)
It became more than "passing time" as I came across a few jewels. 
When the author's grandaughter responded to her "Boppo's" comment that children have no power... 
"That's not true, Boppo," she said. "We have the power of thought and kindness." (p. 159)

Rosenblatt's summation of a book review he had written (Deaf Sentence) concerning Desmond  Bates visit to Auschwitz, " '...I see how one was unable to value the passing time.' "
"As far as I can tell, this is how to live---to value the passing time." (p. 157)

 A needed reminder ---when in a season of waiting, value the passing time. 

Wednesday, March 16, 2016


Mindful. A full mind. 
What should the contents of one's mind be? 
Not regrets. Not fears. Not financial worries. Not distress.
So.....I've been meditating on filling my mind---
(happy thoughts, pure thoughts, worthy thoughts, Phil. 4:8)
Acrostic reminder (Draft form)---

M - ini moment celebrations as I
I - ntentionally & thankfully
N - otice God's hand and
D - elight in Him & discover more of His truth--
F - inally... fully forgiving myself and others so that I
U - nderstand my
L - Lord's lasting love!

Then, I found this----
Others must need a handle on their thought life as well!

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Little Big Shots - Four-Year-Old Basketball Trick Shot Whiz

This is for my "grand boys" to watch! He even shoots from a raised platform at the end. (Hopefully, the innuendo will go right over their heads and they'll just watch the tricks!)
I have seen them do many "fun" shots as well from the balcony in Texas!

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Quotidian Quest

Alliteration strikes again. Of course, it's Wordsmith Wednesday.

Quotidian. A great word that keeps popping up lately in my reading.

Mr. Webster defines quotidian (kwōˈtidēən/) as an adjective---- occurring every day. Many think of it as the ordinary----the everyday---possibly occurring so routinely that we don't give it much thought. 
Mundane is probably a synonym of quotidian though I haven't confirmed. 
A quotidian schedule. A ritual. A routine.
A quotidian cuppa is certainly a part of my morning ritual.

As far as routines go, I learned those from a master---Daddy. You could set your clock by him. The sense of routine and order bode him well, especially as he aged. Routine offered security. Habits long practiced kept him focused. 

  • ....LORD; in the morning my prayer comes before you. (Psalm 88:13)
  • My soul waits for the Lord More than the watchmen for the morning; (Psalm 130:6)
  • In the morning, LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly. (Psalm 5:3)
Quiet time with an open Bible, more that a morning ritual-------scripture is more of a love letter from God to our quotidian lives which give hopes to our little corner of the world.
A Quotidian Quest of Quality.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Mind Speed

"90 to nothing."
The term is slang, used heavily in the South. For me, it means y'ull (Southern for you will) have a millon things to do and y'ull be moving fast to get all those things finished. 
Admittedly, in our household, 11th hour is the default timing for productivity. Wait 'til the last minute. Crisis management style = most accomplished in the least amount of time. 
But....I no longer want "90 to nothing" accomplishments or productivity---I want peace. 
Peace of mind.

This little, old, streaked blonde, lady I know, way down South, talk's "90 to nothing," drives "90 to nothing", and is "90 to nothing" at everything...and I mean everything...unless she's asleep, then I imagine she dreams "90 to nothing!" When she can sleep, that is.

If  my mind is going to continue in what I see as warp speed, I need to make sure my mind is full of worthy thoughts. (Philippians 4:8)
Worthy NOT worrisome. 
An acrostic is needed. (A work in progress---help me out)


Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Wednesday Wordsmiths

Wednesday Wordsmiths.
My daily prayer list is compartmentalized in a way that would not make a bit of sense to others----but that doesn't matter as it is "my list" and tends to help my recall.
God has been gracious to help me remember what day it is and thus folks for whom I intercede on each day of the recall these days seems more difficult.
Part of my Wednesday "default" list is filled with wordsmith friends and family.
Wednesday Wordsmith Bernie has recently shared her Biblical Truths --Alliterated. Now that's right up my alley. 
Acronyms. Acrostics. Alliteration. 
Any literary device that helps me recall truth is appreciated.
Bernie's "P" list was thought provoking today. A great reminder that as I continue to "wait" I need to remember that the best location for waiting patiently is in His Presence. Patiently, an adverb, that needs to characterize my "waiting" journey. (Psalm 40:1)
My "pig" pottery cup led me to BE's "P" list where patience was listed.

OK, Wednesday Wordsmith Bernie, now I need some M(s). 
M(s) to keep me mindful or maybe help on my mindful acrostic, as I'm struggling to keep my wandering mind filled with positive, peaceful ponderings. (especially in the wee hours)