Thursday, June 27, 2024


Essentials of life are faith, hope and love. My focus this year has been on hope!

The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faintIsa. 40:28-31

Gracious Father, thank you for providing your timely Word and prayers of others this week,  As Scotty S. once said, Our God who speaks truth through his word, does not stutter. I often speak in circles, but not the Lord. I grow tired and weary, but not my Father God. 

How grateful I am to be your child, O Lord and I'm thanking you today for renewing my heart, replenishing my strength and refreshing my hope.

My hope is in you, loving Father, who grants unending mercy through your son Jesus. 

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