Saturday, January 19, 2013


1/19/13 I am in pursuit of  gleaning "knowledge" on life's purpose from the book of Ecclesiastes. I have learned that this book of the Bible is not often preached from the pulpit because it is difficult to understand. I concur. Yet, I have been assigned a portion (Eccles. 3: 16-4:16) to teach for our women's Heart to Heart Bible study group. a stack, 
     there a stack, 
          everywhere a stack, stack! Of books, that is.
First and foremost I have my Bible  but as I write down my THOTS (Trusting Him On This Scripture /Subject) & I read other writings for further info.
Will share other gleanings from Ecclesiastes as I gather them.
From a great intro, I have learned that one should NOT let what you don't understand from God's word, rob you of what you do understand. I also realize that an overview helps, because if I don't read to the end of the book, I could easily teach out of context in my small section. I could be "stuck" in the scoffer or cynic mode with a "slanted" view of life. Meaningless. Futile. An unending, never satisfying pursuit. But God......"shows up" in the last chapter. (Ecclesiastes 12:13)

As Ray Stedman says, "Contentment and joy are gifts fo God: they come to people who take life daily, whatever it may bring, from the hand of a loving Father." (Is This All There Is to Life?, 1999)

It's God who brings meaning to life.