Thursday, September 28, 2023


I live in "rabbit holes"............or at least, I'm a frequent visitor.
Positive or negative experiences---both are distractions for me. The last  week, matters seem to have gotten worse after a great relaxing 4 days with family.
Focus seemed "ungraspable." 
DISTRACTION in all caps!

CONFUSION clatters.
THOUGHTS scatter.
May these distractions from the world not keep me from hearing the voice of God!

I need soul shepherding. God's word says He will "counsel me with His loving eye on me." (Psalm 32:8) Maybe this time, I need to spend less time seeking additional clarity and lean in and trust Him on what I already know.
He is my God. He will always be with me. He loves me even when I am distractible.
Today, may I take one faith step at a time and watch out for rabbit holes of distraction.