Monday, December 22, 2014

Cuppa rou-TEA-ine

In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight. (Proverbs: 3:6, NASB)

Some routines are keep me focused and "in the pink" emotionally. Change can mess with my psyche. Change, though often necessary, especially during the holidays, can rev up this ADD (Always Distracted) Dotsy (love the Ditsy typo that comes up) into frenetic frantic anxieties. I, like Daddy, seem to function better with routine.
However, these next few days are going to be anything but routine---for everyone celebrating Christmas, not just me.
My "new" routine will be minus the "normal" routine of a retiree. Gone is the familiarity of home. The time frame. The morning crossword.The straight paths from A to B. 
But God.....has given me time with the entire family (all 15) and that's a great gift. The path in the mountains might be a little curvy, and according to this morning's "Winter Weather ALERT!" a lot SNOWY......but I am trusting the Lord to lead the way. Stay in Taos, NM or "mush" on to Colorado?
Regardless of today's decision, my  cuppa "new" rou-TEA-ine will be served with extra measures of, not only snow,  but I spend time this Christmas with the Lord and family. A great combo.