Monday, October 8, 2018


Sometimes it seems so difficult to live a spirit-filled life in a "Waffle House World."

Waffle House defines its hashbrowns as scattered, smothered and covered.
Lately that describes my life. Scattered. Smothered. Covered.
Scattered thinking is putting it lightly for  my ADD--"Always Distracted Dotsy"!
Smothered with an unrelenting schedule. My calendar is a jumble with crossed out appointments, rescheduled doc visits and interrupted plans, think "shingles". "Tyranny of the urgent" seems to reign while I try so hard to get a handle on it.
Covered in doubts and fears and a lethargy that has a way of zapping my zeal. Yet, I believe. (Mark 9:24)
Sadly, I could add "out of focus or overwhelmed" to my blank. Yet, that's not the desire of my heart.

So....I pray---whether I feel like it or not.

A.W. Tozer quoted Dr. Moody Stuart, who said, "Pray until you pray."

That's my plan for the day---barring no interruptions.