Wednesday, April 2, 2014


And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men. (Colossians 3:23, KJV) 

Wholeheartedly. That's the way a life of ministry should be lived. My ministry "appointments" seem insignificant if balanced on a scale of greatness, But His word, reminds me that all things done for His sake should be done enthusiastically----with all my heart. 

Changing diapers on a baby or a grown-up. Feeding one or feeding many. Donating little or giving lots.
Even my morning cuppa for my "Tea with Thee" time---a heart-TEA brew of rich black assam tea leaves. May I celebrate each moment I have with Thee, regardless of the time frame. 

May I continue to savor and serve "heart-TEA-ly today as I venture out on my "small" missions. May they be divine appointments that honor the Lord.