Saturday, December 31, 2011


12/31/11 Taking stock. Isn't that what we do as a year draws to a close? The financial, political and entertainment industries certainly do. Experts in those fields want to know what worked and what didn't, as they plot the ups and downs of our economy, our votes and our selections. Data helps them to plot new courses and declare new resolves for the coming year.

Previous journal entries reminded me that I, too, need to take "spiritual stock." What good does it do to claim a verse for my year without being intentional about making it a reality in my everyday walk. January journal entry for 1/10/11 included my spiritual passage for the year's focus.
14...encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with everyone. 15...always seek after that which is good for one another and for all people. 16 Rejoice always; 17 pray without ceasing; 18 in everything give thanks;.......(I Thessalonians 5:14-18)
Always (adverb) "got me" as did the everything (noun) and everyone (pronoun). You see, I have a tendency to want to "pick and choose" things for which I am thankful (though some progress noted), & those with whom I am patient----just ask my family.
And then there's that adverb. Always. Always certainly indicates real consistency. Am I always seeking good for all (not just some)? Am I always rejoicing? (regardless of circumstances or blizzard road conditions) Am I always praying? (am I inhaling and exhaling praise) Now that I've taken stock, I resolve to do better because.....

......the last part of the verse reminds me that these mandates for living are God's will.