Friday, August 31, 2012


8/31/12…..a woman after God’s own heart. Raquel. Not exactly the name I call her but a name that resonates throughout the Guerrero Mountains in the heart of the people of that land.
A young woman sensing the call of God to Mexico has become the beautiful feet of a messenger who brings good news to the hearts of the people. (Isaiah 52:7)  

One who takes risks to participate in medical caravans in order to heal physical ills alongside spiritual ones. One trained in mid-wifery, available in a place where there is need. A single woman who travels alone, when necessary, in a land where even our large group had been stopped by bandidos.
Having traveled with her once, I saw first hand her love for the people of Tlapa and El Llano and that reciprocal love. She travels with a full heart and it overflows to others.
Inglesia Cristiana Tlapaneco Church is on right at the top of the hill.
If I asked her ¿Hablas [tú] inglés? Her answer would probably be,  “Yes, but I rarely do.”  Speaking fluent Spanish endears her (in just one more way) to the people to whom she ministers. But she continues to learn the Me’phaa language---the language of the Tlapaneco Indians. A difficult language. A tonal language mainly of ideas rather than verbs, infinitives, etc. Only consonants in the words, as I recall.
Nák hí rí ginii ne’ne Ana’ló mikhu jmaá juba. In the beginning God created heaven and earth. (Me’phaa translation) D
Sharing her midwife information with the women of El Lano
Since January I have received over 30 emails from this young woman. Most are full of praise or prayer requests for others. She has a heart for these people, her people. She has a heart for God. That heart extends God’s love to others that they, too, might come to know Him as Savior and Lord. So she goes.

Raquel. I’m sure her name resonates through God’s heart as well.
Raquel's feet are on the left as she stands with her Mexican sister in Christ.
How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of the messenger who brings good news, the good news of peace and salvation, the news that the God of Israel reigns! (Isaiah52:7)